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How do you organize/prepare for your upcoming CC year?


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Check out halfahundredacrewood's blog, she does it in a community, but many of her ideas can be used at home, also check out myhomeschoolstyle, it's also a blog, but the author uses CC at home. I plan to set up a binder or folders and print out maps, any worksheets, etc... that we have for the week and put them in the binder/folders, that way I only have to pull out each weeks work and do it. I also plan to print out each weeks memory work on one sheet of paper and put it in the binder/folder, so that my ds can look work on his memory work while i'm working with his brother. I may or may not do a weekly memory tape.

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I make binders for each child for copywork, memorization, and review. I organize by Subject and have a removable tab to mark the week we are on. I use the Trivium Table maps and I have tracing paper on hand. I keep that in their binders. Otherwise it is really just the songs and the guide. I also put the songs on their mp3 players. I found that to be really helpful because they listen while they play Minecraft or Legos.

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I would like to add that it might be worth the money to subscribe to CC connected for a couple months. I download songs for science from there. The CC memory work for science is not put to song but some moms have created songsand shared on CCC.

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We have a big binder with a tab for each area of our memory work (history sentences, timeline, English grammar, Latin, math, science, geography & fine arts), and I will also add one for poetry, which I'll add to the memory work (TBD - I'm thinking of having her memorize a couple of long poems over the course of the 24 weeks, such as Longfellow's Midnight Ride of Paul Revere). In this binder, I'll file any worksheets or activities that relate to those areas. We'll also include any copy work, narrations, or summaries written for each area.


I plan to use 'stick in the sand' method as much as possible, to keep things simple. I'd like to put things in page protectors and use dry erase markers rather than use up reams & reams of paper. We also have a large white board in the school room and I'm thinking of creating headings for the seven areas of memory work, laminating them, and putting on magnets. We'll leave these headings on the board and have her fill it out each day with all of the memory work from that week (or previous weeks in the case of review).


I'm still trying to decide how to use the Classical Acts and Facts history and science cards. Page protectors/binders for each set? Keep them standing up in divided baskets (I have one just the right size)? They will form the backbone of our history and science learning for the year (although, we'll continue studying SOTW Vol. 3 and make no attempt to correlate them).

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Check out halfahundredacrewood's blog, she does it in a community, but many of her ideas can be used at home, also check out myhomeschoolstyle, it's also a blog, but the author uses CC at home. I plan to set up a binder or folders and print out maps, any worksheets, etc... that we have for the week and put them in the binder/folders, that way I only have to pull out each weeks work and do it. I also plan to print out each weeks memory work on one sheet of paper and put it in the binder/folder, so that my ds can look work on his memory work while i'm working with his brother. I may or may not do a weekly memory tape.

myhomeschoolstyle was the one I was looking for!

Thanks for the other ideas, also!



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I don't care for the forums on CC Connected but the downloads that other moms/tutors put up are especially helpful. You can search them by name and Amy Joy Toft (I think her user name is something like NoGreaterJoy5) and Mary Bryant have science songs that really helped the science memorization click with the kids at our co-op. There are also print outs and games that are available. And like PP said, you can sign up for a couple of months, download what you need and cancel the subscription. I know the subscription is more expensive if you aren't part of a group.


I also think the memory supplements, the CC memory CD, the Geography reusable maps, the Timeline cards, etc. are all helpful and worth the cost. They are the things that make it easier for us to do memory work halfway through the year when it isn't as new and interesting.


This year I'm going to have a 3 ring binder for the 2 that are doing CC and use a 3 hole punch or sheet protectors to put everything in there.


I'd also say getting all four of the tutor books http://www.classicalconversationsbooks.com/fotupa.html to do the art/music/science section with would be helpful. These books match up with CC schedule so you have an experiment to do each week and an art or music project.



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