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Confused about SAT test vs SAT and Subject tests


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My daughter will be starting her junior year in August (homeschool) and I am trying to look ahead for SAT and ACT testing dates in the fall, but since I am new to this, I needed some help. There are test dates posted on the above link (same as on the collegeboard.org but in an easier format).


Using October 5, 2013 as an example, I wanted to know if it means just the SAT test will be offered or it means only the SAT and Subject tests will be offered? If the SAT/Subject tests are offered, can a student only take the SAT portion and skip the subject tests on a specific test date.

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On any date that says SAT and Subject Tests, a student can choose to take either:


1. The Complete SAT.... Critical Reading, Math, and Writing sections. (student must take all three)




2. Up to three of the one-hour subject tests that are offered on that day.


You cannot take the SAT and a subject test on the same test day.


Does that help?

: )


PS your avatar is soooo cute!! *squeal*

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My daughter will be starting her junior year in August (homeschool) and I am trying to look ahead for SAT and ACT testing dates in the fall, but since I am new to this, I needed some help. There are test dates posted on the above link (same as on the collegeboard.org but in an easier format).


Using October 5, 2013 as an example, I wanted to know if it means just the SAT test will be offered or it means only the SAT and Subject tests will be offered? If the SAT/Subject tests are offered, can a student only take the SAT portion and skip the subject tests on a specific test date.



LOL -- I actually thought the About.com list of test dates to be more confusing, and the College Board's format easier to understand. Here's the chart of dates for 2013 from the College Board. The far left column lists the SAT test dates; the column next to that is the list of SAT II (SAT Subject Tests) that will ALSO be offered on that same date.


The upshot is: yes, both SAT Reasoning and SAT II (Subject Tests) are offered on the same day. Your student takes one OR the other. If your student is taking the SAT, that will take the entire testing time (4+ hours); the student will NOT be able to also take SAT II tests. If your student will be taking SAT II tests, you decide which ones, and how many you want your student to take. These are shorter (1 hour), so your student is allowed to take up 3 in one day.


You must register and pay in advance for any of the tests. You must upload a very specific type of photo of your student when registering. You must have current, valid ID for your student to be allowed in to take the test on test day. Your student may take only certain things to the test. Follow the various links from this page to learn more about those details.


Finally, here is the College Board's info about the SAT II (Subject Tests). And here's the page that's all about the SAT (Reasoning Test). Here's the College Board's test links page for linking you to information about all the various tests, including PSAT, AP and CLEP.


BEST of luck in your student's testing adventures! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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Thank you so much for the help. It is so comforting to know that I can ask those that have BTDT.


- I have my daughter's transcript up-to-date.

- I am working on the final details for the classes I will teach her for the next two years.

- I am still iffy on duel enrollment subjects because those depend on the CC and when they will offer the classes she wants to take.

- I have part two of the test prep waiting for August


- My last task was to figure out the test dates, so thanks everyone. I can check that off my list of things to do this week. :hurray:

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