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S/O of my own thread about The Weaver Curriculum: Returning to a previous curriculum?

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Have any of you used a curriculum, loved it, left it for various reasons, but then returned to it? I would really love to hear from those who had successful returns. Thanks! Oh, and share what curriculum it is & why you left it originally. Here's my story:



We used Weaver several years ago, at the beginning of our homeschool journey. Then life happened and I used other curriculum that was planned for me. Well, long story short, I have been feeling a tug in my heart to get back to Scripture being the basis for our learning. Plus, we have such fond memories of the wonderful things we did when we used The Weaver Curriculum. I actually miss planning and scheduling activies and lessons. And my kids miss the fun learning projects. So, for all these reasons, I am returning to Weaver for my ds10. My dd12 and dd5 will join us for parts of it, while each will be on her own for certain subjects. I am really excited! It feels like going back to an old friend. :)

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Awesome! Weaver was our first curriculum when we started homeschooling two years ago. I loved the Bible stories but I really struggled with WHAT to teach in some topics that the unit guidelines left it up to you to decide what to teach (for instance, one unit tells you to "teach the Civil War") I wanted more handholding. I did look at it again this year but just didn't get the vibe that I could use it still. It has been sitting in storage for the year and a half. Now, I have gave it to a good friend that was considering using it with her children! I'm excited someone is using it. It seems like such a great program and I so wanted it to be the right fit for our family!

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I owned Weaver (along with Konos) way back I think in the 90s (back when they were simply Weaver and not part of whoever bought them out) . I can see why you would want to go back that way. It is so family friendly. :)


I haven't used the Holling C Holling books in yrs. I am planning on having fun with those with my almost 8 yr old dd next yr.

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I'm replying here along with the others, rather than in your original thread.

We loved using the Weaver from 1995 to 2000 or so.


For us, it was just a natural transition to our version of the WTM when it was originally published.

For us, our homeschool continues to change and evolve as the children grow up.

But I still use elements of various Weaver topics in our current History & Science Units, until they reach high school age.

Very, very fond memories . . . especially the Kindergarten Year--The Interlock--centered about Creation.


And FYI, for newcomers, The Weaver is sold by Alpha Omega now. It is a Christian curriculum.

It's Bible-centered, with reasonable hands-on activities, presented in a very engaging way for the young student.


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I'm relooking at a curriculum I used in the past.


I get bored, no matter what I'm using, and that's a problem...I think. I tend to cycle back to the same curricula over and over. Maybe, instead of it being a problem, the cycling provides balance between some unbalanced choices?


I do know that when I am not giving equal time to mind AND body AND soul, I get unbalanced. Sometimes the balance could come from something not curriculum, and that would allow me to stay steadier with the curriculum? I've been neglecting spiritual issues and it's caught up with me, giving me an urge to go back to more Bible based unit studies.


I could never afford SOW when my boys were schooling, but I was given a copy a couple years ago. Before that I just made up my own studies. But a large number of my homeschooling and self-education years were done using the Bible as the main literature book, and as the basis of unit studies.


I have been doing SO well with the ORIGINAL Doubleday hardback What Your _ Grader Needs to Know series. I mean SO well, but I feel empty. Academically everything is going GREAT, but I'm hollow. I tried to just add some literature, but most literature...I don't know...it just doesn't reach me the way it does others.


I read and read literature lists and just remembered when I taught almost all of literature with the Bible. McGuffey has been great for teaching READING. It's SO systematic, but even though the BIble wasn't systematic is WORKED, really worked in the long run for my boys. And as for literature, I hardly used any fiction for them. The BIble, biographies and other non-fiction were enough.


The grass is always greener on the other side. In a couple months I'll probably be craving systematic and efficient again, and want to dump the SOW again.


I don't know what to suggest. I'm in the same place you are I think.

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