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Math Sat score after Algebra 1

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My daughter has taken the Sat with Duke Tip for 7th and 8th. Her cr and writing scores are really great, on track to hopefully qualify for NM in 11th grade. After doing really well in Chalkdust Algebra 1 (92 test ave.) and working through a couple practice tests with Khan Academy, she didn't do well on the math section again. 490.


I know it is too soon to worry or pressure her to study practice tests, but she has only 2 more Psat opportunities before the NMF qualifier right? Psat just offered in Oct. 1x per year?


In her practice test she scored approx high 500s. Lower than her actual cr and writing scores, but decent for a bright 8th grader. 490 was a surprise.


We plan on continuing with Chalkdust Geometry. Any thoughts, besides don't worry, too early? :)


She has her heart set on our alma mater (dad and I), which gives full NMF scholarships, the only way I attended too! My twin was the NMF, I got a partial/ half scholarship for Commended, and loans for the rest. Tuition is unbelievably higher now. My math score was low. See where I'm going with this? Lol.

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We plan on continuing with Chalkdust Geometry. Any thoughts, besides don't worry, too early? :)



No. The SAT Math really requires having had Geometry and Alg 2. Her score is great for just having had Alg 1.


The PSAT requires Geometry and Alg 1, but lately the math portion has been getting tougher. Having Alg 2 first raises that score too IMO.

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As creekland already said: she needs geometry, and some algebra 2 does not hurt, even though on the PSAT there is no algebra 2. But geometry needs to be completed. So, I would not worry at all, because she simply did not have all the material that is tested.



Sorry, derailing a bit, but does anyone know if the Kaplan practice PSATs are about the same difficulty as the real one? My dds both recently took one (not at the back of a book, but one timed and proctored at the high school by Kaplan). I'm a bit flabbergasted at the results. My dd who is just finishing Algebra 1 as a freshman, and has not taken Geometry yet, only got FOUR questions wrong, giving her a 71 in Math (!!) Meanwhile her sister who is finishing up Honors Geometry didn't do as well (still did well, but got more wrong). Although, she had a really bad cold that day, so I think she may have been in a brain fog - especially as she usually scores a few points higher than her sister on standardized tests, esp. in Math.


But I'm wondering how in the heck my other kid pulled off such a good score without ever having taken Geometry! :confused1: That's why I'm wondering how the Kaplan tests track with the real thing - anyone know???

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But isn't there a lot less geometry (and no alg 2) on the PSAT than on the SAT?


There is no Alg 2. And apparently only 7 Geometry questions.


The breakdown in Math questions was 17 Algebra, 11 Arithmetic, 7 Geometry, and 2 Logic and Data Interpretation. Are there really only 38 math questions on the regular PSAT, or is the Kaplan test shorter? Did she just have an astoundingly lucky day?


This is my kid who hasn't ever liked math, although she's recently gotten much more motivated since she's started to get very interested in science. She's planning to take Geometry over the summer and attempt to test out of it so she can get back on the "regular" track here of Algebra 2 sophomore year. This is the same kid who totally bombed the test to place out of Algebra her freshman year, which is why she's taking Algebra "Part B" this year. But she wasn't feeling well the day of that test. Hmm... perhaps I should be much more cautious of my kids taking tests on days where they're not feeling 100%!

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