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So I have decided to jump in...


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and start HS. Here's the thing... DD7 is just finishing up first grade in PS. She hasn't had a spelling test yet she couldn't ace. For example, some of her recent spelling words include toward, coin, boil, because, enough, etc.


Where do I start with a spelling curriculum for her?

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Spelling Workout is good, too. You could get her grade level workbook and verbally quiz her until you get to the lesson where she can't ace it. They may have placement tests to figure out which book to buy. Keep in mind as well that spelling rules may be important for her so getting a program that teaches them, or a supplement, is probably a good idea.

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I second Spelling Workout or Building Spelling Skills. My daughter is also finishing 1st grade in PS and will be coming home next year. She too has also done very well on the spelling test that she has been given. I don't know if your daughter's school is the same, but Nina was given a list of words to learn for the week and they worked on that list in school. Come test day she knew the words and passed the test easily. One thing I noticed though is that she doesn't know the rules for spelling what she is spelling. For example, she knows coin and boil because she was taught those words, but she was not taught the "oi" vs. "oy" rule, so therefore can't spell spoil. For this reason I am starting her at the beginning of a spelling program (using Building Spelling Skills) and I figured that she would move quickly through the areas that she knew and slow down at the parts that she didn't.

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I'm kind of in the same boat with my 2nd grade, public schooled DS. I think he has missed one spelling word in 3 years of school. We are homeschooling next year and I just ordered AAS Level 1. When I asked him if he knew certain spelling rules that he should already know, he didn't! I don't think they spend any time at his school teaching and reviewing basic rules. We decided to start at the beginning to make sure he has a good foundation and intend to work through Level 1 quickly, then move on.

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Wow! Thanks for all of the responses. To be honest I am not all that sure if DD school works on words during the day, I just know that we work on them at home all week with the test on Friday. And, I don't know if they go over rules and, to be honest, I don't know if I know the rules! LOL! So I think I will give all these spelling programs you all listed the once-over and get maybe the first and second books. After all 5yo DD will need them too! :thumbup1:

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With my dd that was that good of a speller that young, I didn't have a spelling curric for 2nd grade. They were all too easy. If I saw something she needed to correct, I did. I had her keep a list of those words, and occasionally I would orally test her on those or give dictation. I finally gave her a spelling curric the next year for a grade above. It was still too easy until she hit this year (the 6th grade book) and that is only because of the dictionary and vocabulary work. But I was busy with another child when she hit 3rd grade, so I had her spend a few min. of the morning working through the 4th grade book, just to make sure we were covereing bases.

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P.S. I like R&S because of the work on the phonics and rules as well. They also have a very thorough Phonics program for 1st and 2nd grade. I did have my dd work through the 2nd grade one (the year she didn't do spelling) and that to me covered spelling that year. It goes very deeply into all of the rules and you will know them too to remind her later of things and why...

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