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Spelling for natural speller in 6th


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What spelling program would you use with a 6th grader that is a natural speller? We had used Soaring with Spelling and Vocab for a few years, and used R&S this past year. I am really not in love with R&S, but I don't hate it either. I am thinking about going back to Soaring with Spelling or Spelling Workout next year. I think I like Soaring with Spelling more though.

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SWO struck me as having a LOT of "busywork" when I previewed it. I used Spelling Power with my "natural" speller until she finished the lists and then we switched to Hexco spelling bee prep materials.


Megawords was the other program I was looking at for her until I was generously given a copy of SP.

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What I like about Spelling by Sound and Structure is all the work dictionary skills, syllabication, adding prefixes and suffixes, having to write sentences with the different definitions of each word (probably more of that in 6th-8th, because those are not workbooks), and so on. IOW, it isn't only about getting the words right on spelling tests; it's learning all about how English words are spelled and used.

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With my natural spellers, I just printed off word lists from local schools and ran them through the ones for their grades. We worked on any words they missed. Then we did the next grade. It was all they needed and it was very efficient. Once Calvin had blown through all the lists, I just had him work on commonly-misspelled words for adults.



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We dropped spelling in 5th grade with our natural speller and did just straight vocab. By that age, spelling was just busywork for him.


Any words he misspelled in his writing were added to a list for more practice/quizzing. That really increased his motivation to take the time to spell correctly. Over the entire school year, he only had about 15 - 18 words added to his list.

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FWIW, DS had also used Spelling Workout as recommended by SWB before we completely dropped spelling. The higher levels of SWO teach vocab as well as spelling by introducing lots of Latin and Greek root words in the weekly lists. IMO, SWO is good for natural spellers who like efficiency/workbook learning.

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