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Job Shadowing

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DD16 has no idea what she wants to study in college or pursue as a career. I think job shadowing is a great opportunity to see what people actually do on a day to day basis. However, I am at a complete loss on how to set something like this up. Any ideas?

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Do you have neighbors or other friends in various fields? My neighbors are helping out with this for us. In fact, we just got an email from one of them this morning with the itinerary she has set up for the day for my daughter. It is FABULOUS and I am hoping will be a great experience for my dd. We are hoping the neighbors on our other side may be able to do something similar for her as they are in other fields. We are also going to try and contact some friends of friends who may be willing to allow a day of shadowing in their industry.


Other than personal contacts, I have no idea how to go about getting job shadows set up. I'm all ears!

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