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Singapore Math for 7th grade-high school

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I'm trying to figure out what to do for my ds12 for upper math. We are planning to do pre-algebra next year. He has preferred Saxon so far, but since we are at the break between elementary math and pre-algebra, I want to make sure we are headed in the direction we want to go from here on. I tried Math Mammoth for a few months last year, and he hated it. He felt that the explanations were not clear, which is what he likes about Saxon. He likes to play with ideas, but the "discovery method" for daily math would not be his thing. (He likes the Perilous Math book, for instance, and loves logic.) He wants a clear presentation/explanation, no frills, and then let's work the problems. He does not like the Saxon paper (for the homeschooling packs), and I do not have the hardbacks, at least not yet. He does not like lots of sidebars and a busy page, though color is okay. He is interested in engineering. I cannot really tell yet if he is "mathy" in the algebraic sense. Geometry, spacial skills, conceptual physics, etc., yes. I did well in math through Algebra 2, but never cared for it except for geometry, which I loved. So I need for the books to explain the problems well.


So, here are my questions:


1. Would Singapore be a good fit for his learning style? (Mastery approach is okay if there is enough review along to keep previous topics fresh.) I.e., if he dislikes MM, will he dislike Singapore?


2. If so, NEM or DM?


3. What books are needed, i.e., do you get the workbook as well as the text?



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DM has very little in the way of handholding for the teacher (this is why I'm not sure how far we'll get in the series). Also it does not have "spiral" reviews.


NEM 3 and 4 have been discontinued so they may be difficult to come by. I would go with DM for that reason if you choose Singapore.


The workbook is optional at the secondary level but I do like it. I use the workbook 1 semester behind in order to add review to DM.


It doesn't sound to me like Singapore is what you are looking for.

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My dd preferred a no-nonsense approach as well. We used Singapore from 1A through her grade 10 year. She went to high school for grade 11 and 12. She graduates this June and has been accepted into all four engineering schools that she has applied to. I think Singapore has set her up really well. It provides the conceptual understanding as well as the mastery.


My only concern for you would be the transition into Singapore. It's a different way of doing math - there are placement tests online.

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My oldest has been through all four NEM books and the DM Additional Maths book after that. We did Singapore from the beginning. My second is in NEM 2 this year and should do NEM 3 & 4 next year (they are shorter and can be done in a year).


However due to the out of print issue, I suggest DM.


I guess my only question is why would you switch from Saxon? He doesn't like their paper?


I really, really liked NEM and how they handled the teaching aspects and how the algebra and geometry got integrated so when you did geometry you used algebra. In NEM the student essentially proves new concepts through class room exercises and then they state the rule in a more formal way and move onto applying the rule to a variety of situations.


I'd encourage you to post in more detail over on the high school board.

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I'm struggling with the same issue right now. My oldest 2 have used NEM. I loved much about it, but on its own, there was not enough review for either of them. I've recently switched ds15 from NEM3 into Saxon algebra 2 because he needed a lot more review. It's going quite slow right now despite the fact that almost everything he's doing so far should be review. They both seem to dump anything they're not using out of their brains. The other thing that I like is premade tests. That's so much easier than setting up tests.


For ds10, I'm looking at Saxon, but still want to do DM7.


Hopefully a bump will get more responses.

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I love the math education my dd is getting from Singapore (finishing up DM7). That said, I'm a former high school math teacher and can help her a lot. I think DM is great for a mathy kid (which is not my dd) or a kid with a lot of math support at home. The problems get pretty challenging, especially if you use the workbook and test questions from the Question Bank book.

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I wouldn't know how to compare it with Singapore, but I found Lial to be very user friendly, although it is not a homeschool program. If you were to use Math Lab with it (we didn't), it seems it would be effective even if your son isn't a math wizard (not saying he isn't, just don't know). My DS was smart but not much into math and did well. My dfd is a math wizard and is finishing up pre-calc. She asked for help once. To be honest, I hated Saxon but other people love it so I think it depends upon the student - and teacher.

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I guess my only question is why would you switch from Saxon? He doesn't like their paper?





No, I wouldn't switch from Saxon due to their paper. I will try to get used hardbacks instead. I just included that info to show more the type of "look" he prefers--he likes a clean, uncluttered look, and is sensitive to the presentation, not just the material, if that makes sense. I posted some other questions on the high school board, but since we are talking about starting in 7th, I posted here. I will probably stay with Saxon for prealgebra, but add in some Perilous Math, logic books, etc., for this year, and then either continue that or go with Algebra I: A Fresh Approach. The switch would be because I want to make sure he is getting a broader look at how to use mathematics, especially since he is interested in a STEM field.

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