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this whole process has been a pain.


Last night we had a calf wedged in the head-catch. His hips were too wide to go through forward, his belly too fat to go backward and he was pushing so hard forward that we couldn't give him any extra space. We wet him down and everything. Finally dh was able to pull some pins and give him an extra quarter inch and he gradually squirmed his way out.


For awhile there, we were worried we'd have to shoot him. That would've been 800 down the hole. Thank GOODNESS he got out!

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And weaning ideally should happen when I'll be OUT OF TOWN for 3 days so I don't have to listen to the "wailing wall"!

hehe! We were glad it was cool enough in the house to leave the windows shut last night.


Our city slicker neighbor complained to my dh about the sound one time. (the people who chose to build a house 10 feet from the property line where our field full of cows was)


Dh pretty much said, "uh. Sorry. There's not a thing I can do about it!"

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Thank you for this post - I think I finally understand what the ummm sound I've been hearing lately were. We're in an ag area but mostly crops. But a neighbor has a cow and couldn't figure out why there was such a ruckus for a day or so recently and now guessing that is why. And fairly certain that was for a single calf too - can see how many would cause even more awareness. Can't imagine complaining about it, I was just happy something was louder than my squawking chickens for a change, who needs a rooster with the racket they make sometimes.

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