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Gas utility was shut off for vacant house. Do I need to. . .


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My sister had to move for a job opportunity. Her house is on the market and sitting empty. The gas utility recently shut off the gas to the house. Do I need to shut the gas valves for the furnace and water heater?


Any other tips for a vacant house to keep it show ready? We learned the hard way that the toilets need to be flushed occasionally. Yuck! And even sitting empty, it still needs to be dusted and swept every so often.



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Thank you for the advice! Now to find those off valves. She should be safe from the danger of frozen pipes for the next several months and if needed, will have the gas turned back on by then. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the house will sell well before then!

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The biggest issue we had with our vacant home was air flow. The air seemed stale. It wasn't a problem when the air was running in the summer but when we had to turn that off as it got colder, it was a struggle. I'm assuming, since the gas is off, you might have a similar problem. If you are able to visit easily just opening some windows, running fans, etc. once a week would probably make it a non-issue.


I found this article about the topic and it looks like it has some helpful ideas. http://realestatesnippets.typepad.com/real_estate_snippets/2006/11/vacant_house_sm.html

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