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I'm seriously considering Memoria Press's Kindergarten Curriculum (the full thing) for my 5-year-old for next year. I haven't heard a whole lot about it though-- anyone out there with experience with it that can tell me pros & cons? I like that its scheduled out and I really like the reading portion from what I've seen online, but I haven't actually looked at any of it in person...

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I loved everything with this program. I didn't use the math or Language Arts selections however, but the Picture Study, Music Selections, Picture Books, Social Studies, Science, recitations etc... were all wonderful! It was just what I wanted. I am actually done with it now so if your looking for a used copy of the TM, I have one for sale. :)

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We tried to use if for K this last year. Although I like the idea of it, my daughter found it really boring. She was already reading when we started, but didn't have great handwriting skills, so I thought it would work. Unlike the previous poster, I thought the math and LA was the highlight of the program and the art and music study miserably lacking (but they now have art cards that weren't available before). I think it's got a lot included for the price, but it just didn't work for us. If you have a kid with good handwriting skills that doesn't need colorful and pretty pages, this might work for you.

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I want to add how we made the enrichment portion of the guide become a highlight. I printed off each of the art prints as photographs and placed them face down in a photo album. Each week my son would recite his art prints (title & artist) and then I would reveal his new print for the week. He LOVED this. In fact I am planning on doing the same thing for my other children next year. He now knows about 30 art pieces from memory. We would also discuss the paintings as noted in the teacher guide. Sometimes I would have him stare at his new print for a minute then take it from him and ask him to tell me what he remembered about the picture. I would ask questions like, what is the girl holding? What color were the walls? What was outside the window? It was a highlight for us.


For the music selections we would utilize youtube. I love that my son was not only able to hear the music, but was often able to see the actual instruments being used. I would point out the french horn, or the violin and talk about what kind of instrument they were.


The memory work was also part of youtube. I have more about that on my blog. http://homeschool-chalkboard.blogspot.com/2012/10/youtube-as-supplement.html

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I have some experience with Memoria Press...We did some of it last year, dropped it to try something else, and is moving back to it this upcoming fall...


The major reason I dropped it was because I was unaware of how to use it properly...I saw the student guides as "workbooks" the boys needed to fill out and complete, rather than a teaching tool I am free to use however I see fit...Two of my boys joined a Junior Classical League classics club in our state...I sat in on a meeting with them and the woman in charge of the group was using a MP book, but she was using it more as a discussion tool rather than a workbook to hand to the children...My boys loved it!...Instead of expecting them to know the answers when she asked, she helped them come to know the answer by using the teacher's guide...At that moment, I realized how the books are intended to be used...


You can do some of the writing, but you don't have to do all of it...You can teach based on discussion, not fill in the blanks...You can read difficult works with your children out loud; they don't have to know how to read every word on every page...You can even take turns reading everything if you want to...I guess my point is that I discovered (finally) that curriculum is just a tool to be used however you see fit; whatever will work best for your family...I read through the MP forum and realized that what I am describing above is what is done at Highlands Latin School anyway (the school Memoria Press curriculum is made from)...


I like the lesson plans, vocabulary, teacher's guides, and many other things that come with Memoria Press...I believe I can use it in a way that would help us to be more organized and more successful in our efforts...We have been using some of the package anyway (math, Latin, Spelling, Grammar), so we will just add the rest in the upcoming fall...


Another thing is the price...For the money we have available to spend on the upcoming year, Memoria Press packages are the best financial deal for us for what I am looking for...I am sure other options may be cheaper, but this is the "best bang for your buck" for us right now ;)


We will use the 1st grade, 3rd grade and 6th grade packages next year...My son will be in 7th grade, but will be using the MP 6th grade package...


I hope this helps and good luck with your choice whatever you decide :001_smile:

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I keep looking at it, but since our eldest is doing writing, grammar, and science at co-op, I can't justify going with the full MP package for her, lol.

I've also looked at the Pre K program, but I'm not sure how that would go over with my son. I'm inclined to go with the Kinder package with him, subbing out math in favor of Miquon, but I've heard it's writing intensive and my guy, despite being accelerated in other areas, is lacking in writing skills, so I'll probably not do it, lol.

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