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How long did it take your child to finish AAR 1?

Esse Quam Videri

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We loved AAS so much I bit the bullet and started my struggling readers all over in AAR1, we finished in ~3 months BUT my kids weren't starting from scratch, AAR was our 4th attempt to find a good fit.


At the end of AAR1 my guys were able to decode a lot but not really reading books per se. We are 15 lessons into AAR2 and NOW my boys can pick up leveled readers and get through it by decoding without much trouble, this is not to be confused with fluently reading, we are definitely NOT fluent on the first read.


We love AAR, it's the perfect fit for our family.

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We started AAR 1 in September/October and finished it in mid March. At the end of AAR1 my ds read Bob books but honestly we didn't try anything else. We are about 12 lessons into AAR 2 and now I think he could pick up and read a good bit, but the readers and fluency pages of AAR are really enough at this point so I don't make him read anything else...


We love AAR! :)

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I am early in AAR1 with dd, at lesson 12. I'm guessing we will take 8-9 months to finish. I'm pretty sure she will be reading Bob books by then (not certain which levels). For now, books seem to intimidate her but she is happy to read the words on the green cards or white board.

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We started level 1 in late August and finished in late December. We didnt try readers after level 1 but we did a lot of shared reading of any old book. I would read words that were not yet decodable and he would read words that he had learned to decode. We're on lesson 20 of aar 2 now. After lesson 10 or so a lot of level 1/beginning readers became more accessible. Now, we are starting to move into the next level of readers. He is pretty good in fluency but even in the level 1 readers we sometimes come across a high frequency word that he hasn't learned to decode yet and is phonetically regular. Sometimes I will just tell him the sound of the relevant phonogram and other times he figures it out from context.

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