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Non stop cough?


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My son just keeps coughing. Albuterol by nebulizer is doing nothing. I can hear a whistle on inhale and exhale but not constant. It's like a good cough clears it and then I hear it again a minute later. He doesn't appear to be in breathing distress but he just keeps coughing. I am waiting for a call back from pulmonology and I asked my husband to bring home the car so I can take him to urgent care.


Does anyone know if bronchitis or similar could cause a constant cough? I would think asthma except it's not responding like asthma to albuterol.

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It's an inhale and exhale wheeze. The pediatrician told us to start benadryl as she felt the cough was coming from the nose. She also told us to start inhaled steroids which makes me sad. This is my kid who had no evidence of any asthma until this fall after pneumonia. And I thought we were going to get through cough/cold season with it controlled and avoid more steroids.

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I think this is going to be (already moving towards) a banner year for allergies. We've been dealing with them for a while now. So I think your little one has a lot of company in the fight.


Sorry, I know you are disappointed. But it is a wonderment that we live in a day that steroids are available. The alternative is certainly worse...

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If your son's pneumonia was caused by the RSV virus or similar your son may have 'Reactive Airway Disorder'-- it is similar to asthma (cough, wheeze...) but it is not caused by an alergic reaction-- it is set off by respiratory viruses... at the first sign of a runny nose I made sure I had plenty of nebulizer supplies on hand. If I could hear active wheezing after a treatment then I had my dd at the Drs to test her blood oxygen level... Good news is that most kids 'out grow' (rather their lungs heal) by the time they are teens.

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