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I had been planning on taking DS (almost 12) to the 18th Anniversary of the OKC bombing on Friday. We are trying to connect with our new city, and get out and about more and I think he is needing to experience more connections between daily life, and the sometimes scary things he hears and sees on the news.


I am seriously re-thinking it now, I just don't know how comfortable I am in light of recent events, and I feel like everyone else will be on edge too. They evacuated a bunch of buildings this morning downtown because of an empty Uhaul that had broken down. I know that the chance of anything happening is slim, but any sort of scare will be extra scary for a kid.


I am conflicted, I feel like if we skip out on important events, the people are achieving their goals, but on the other hand, why risk it KWIM.



Any thoughts?

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