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Pockets for Ladies Pants?


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Has anyone noticed that pockets are disappearing in ladies' clothes? Twice this year I have bought jeans (Levis and Old Navy) from the same company, same size, and same style as a pair I already had and the new pair has less than half the pocket space as the older pair! Is this some cost saving device (We'll short them material in the pocket. They'll never know. Mwuah, ha, ha!), do they think we are all so delicate and helpless that we will lose things in deep pockets, are we so vain that we think the miniscule bit of extra material is making our hips look too big? I'm finding the other slacks I have bought recently also have smaller pockets- because my credit cards aren't fitting, but I don't have an older pair to compare.


I don't carry a purse and I need pockets for my keys and money just like a man. Are there any brands that still have normal sized pockets for ladies? Any men care to chime in on if their pockets are disappearing too? I've also seen it in my little girls' pants. They have tiny pockets compared to my son. They don't worry about their hips and are so excited when I stumble on something for them with real pockets. Doesn't everyone like pockets? After 15 years of not carrying a purse, I think I may need to buy one because I'm going to lose my credit cards and driver's license if I try to put them in these new pockets. :(

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I've noticed the same thing in boys jeans. My sons carry their cell phones in their hip pockets, and some jean pockets are now so small the phones won't fit. It's something we've learned to test before buying, to save me a return trip. My guess is that it's a cost savings thing.

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I've noticed pockets getting smaller too. Like about half the depth of my old jeans pockets. I usually just have a tissue in my pocket but now that the pockets are so much smaller the one thin little tissue makes a big lump in my pocket because there isn't much space for it. Silly.


I wonder if the disappearing pockets started with skinny jeans? I imagine people who like skinny jeans wanted a smoother look and the pockets would stick out a bit at the top of the thigh unless they were shortened. Then that extra pocket fabric would be in the hip and might be less noticeable? And they probably wouldn't have used the pockets anyway because who could manage to get anything into it? Well, that's my theory and I'm gonna stick with it.

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