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Base Ten Blocks versus MUS blocks


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With base ten blocks, you have flats that are 100 and cubes that are 1000. I had the impression that MUS didn't include those, though I've never used MUS so I don't really know.


They are the same scale (1 = 1 cm) as the Cuisenaire rods, so that many of us like to use a set of C-rods alongside a set of the flats and a single or a couple of the cubes (you can purchase them all separately). If MUS doesn't have the flats and cubes, then I'm pretty sure the scale is slightly different, though, again, I'm not 100% sure as it's been awhile since I've seen MUS blocks.

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I like the cm length on C-rods for giving a child (esp in USA where we don't often get this) a feeling for cm lengths.


Otherwise I prefer the MUS blocks because the units are clear (countable) on each. You can stack them to make a cube. My C-Rod set didn't come with cubes.

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I use CLE and MUS. the MUS blocks are helpful as CLE does not really use or call for Manipulatives at all. But we use the MUS blocks when needed for CLE because we have them and because my children are trained to use those before asking for help. Any mani helps if one needs to use them.

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Some of us here are pretty fanatically pro-Cuisenaire Rods. The lack of markings for individual units can help kids see the whole number and get away from counting. Also, it makes them more flexible for concepts like fractions. And the standardized centimeter measure is nice.


I don't know CLE, but reasonably, if you have the MUS blocks already, then I would say it's enough to get on with and not to worry.

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