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2nd grade

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Looking for ideas for 2nd grade (or directions to an earlier post with the topic) :)


Finishing up 1st grade. DS7.

Currently doing:

MFW Adventures (although 4 weeks into it I am slightly disappointed). I have not started the Primary Language Lessons yet.... still debating on grammar/english/spelling etc.

WWE1 we are about half way through, and DS7 writes both sentences on the page not just one like suggested. Have FLL but boring and repeats so much.

Spelling with Sound and Structure 2 (R&S)

MM finishing up book 1B, have 2A/B ready.


Have Phonics Pathways and Reading Pathways, really liked those for 1st. Don't know if it is necessary to use them in 2nd.


I also have R.E.A.L. Science (Life and Earth books) and use them occasionally. The MFW science is too light so far.


I need the most guidance lately in choosing grammar/english. Looking at BJU 2nd grade English or Winning with Writing...... or ??? How much sentence writing is necessary, etc.


Is MFW Adventures enough for History?


Thank you :)

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What are you disappointed about Adventures? I am strongly considering it for next year... some people rave and others say it's too light, too repetitive...


We loved the 1st grade MFW, and were excited to get Adventures. I would say too light. The week's history we can do in one day, same with science. Leaving only math and LA for other days, and I haven't used their LA or math suggestions (except the spelling).

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My dd enjoyed, and did well with, LLATL Red for 2nd grade. It covers copywork (at first in the form of handwriting then in weekly passages), grammar, writing, spelling and review phonics. All in one book. It also has reading activities done with lovely little readers. The activities are the focus and not the amt of reading so we do outside reading practice with our other subjects as well. By the end of the year it has your child doing simple research of famous people. I could not have been more pleased with the results I have seen in my dd.

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I'm confused...sorry...So, you just started Adventures? Are you looking to change? I'm sorry to hear you are disappointed. We will be done with MFW 1st and are planning to start that in a couple months. Is Adv going to pick up? I know with first I thought it was to light till it really got moving.


Have you looked at FLL 2 or WWE2? I've heard FLL 2 is much better. I have FLL 1 and havn't used it yet, but am going to go ahead and get FLL2 because I'm sure he can handle it (after looking at FLL1). I'm also planning to incorporate WWE at least some. I have WWE1 and I feel like my son is a little beyond it....I may pick up WWE2. Did you do the dictation at the end of 1st? (We are going be there next week and I plan to do it.)


We are going to be doing Apologia Zoo 1 - Flying with Adv because I think the two will mesh very well. I've heard the science is light and I didn't enjoy the science in 1st. So, we are branching out.


Anyway, I really don't have any suggestions because what you are using is exactly what I'm planning for next "year," which starts in a few months for us. Good luck deciding what to change.

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We'll be using Sonlight B with VP OT and Ancient Egypt. For LA Fll2 and WWE1, Spelling Workout B an Pentime Cursive.

Science will be Apologia Flying Creatures.


We really liked FLL 1. It wasn't the most exciting thing in the world but it only took 5 minutes a day and it got done. Dd also loved learning all of the poems.

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IMO, FLL2 is just as bad and repetetive at 1. My ds's writing program (essentials in writing) has some grammar with it. I'm thinking about trying growing with grammar to go along with it next year (don't know if you've looked at that one). I'm not sure how repetetive it is, though, but it has got to be better than FLL. My ds would just roll his eyes everytime he had to recite a definition he knew 3x again...

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My 2nd grade plans:


language arts:

spelling - All About Spelling (continuing series)

grammar - First Language Lessons 2

writing - Writing With Ease 1

handwriting - Handwriting WithOut Tears

readalouds - Ambleside Online book list (to be honest, though, it's really more listen to audio stories than readaloud!)



Math Mammoth



memory work:

Classical Conversations (solidifying timeline & math over summer, and Cycle 2 in co-op from Sept to Apr)

AWANA (Sept-Apr) or catechism (summer)



history - Story of the World V2 (activities on Fridays with friends)

Spanish - Rosetta Stone


Still trying to find my groove with science - that's been a real stumbling block for me.


I am also hoping to be more consistent with:

- geography

- nature study

- art - Atelier

- artist of the month

- composer of the month

- habit of the month

- teaching more basic life skills (cooking, cleaning, etc.)


And I hope to get typing started. (A girl can dream, right?)

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