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Tax free days...

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OK, we are having tax free days too, I think a lot of states are--am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous?


You are buying what you would anyway, a few days early--you are saving a few bucks, think about it, really not a lot. It is costing the state millions, at least millions, in revenue they need, and will have to make up elsewhere, and they will have to have committees to figure out how and where to make it up, then probably raise taxes, and campaigns to explain why, then literature for that, and in the end, it will cost so much more than the little bit of sales tax we didn't pay!


I think this is a joke. Am I alone?

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Not sure what I think about it from the bigger political perspective but I try to avoid shopping on those days because the little I would save isn't worth the huge hassle of the crowds of people. I accidentally went to the mall on one of the weekends a few years ago and it was a nightmare. If I had more kids and had to buy a lot more I might feel differently.

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We had to buy a computer for ds14 who is starting high school and doing the VP online Scholars, all 7 classes. The sales tax here in Tennessee is almost 10%, so we saved a good bit.


Here the tax-free thing only applies to school supplies, clothing and computers under $1500. Maybe a few other things, but that's the bulk of it.


I'm one of those people that thinks we pay too much in taxes anyway, so I'm glad to take advantage.

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I know they do sales, and people go shopping then, but to me, I'm not going to spend money I wouldn't anyway--and, tax here, for example, is 5%--if I spend $500 (oh, how I wish I had $500 to spend :) ), I would save a whopping $25!


I guess, even with the little or no money I have, I am one of those fools who fully believes in paying my taxes, even though I don't believe in the gov't I have right now. But, besides, that, I know that, somewhere, somehow, they will get it from us, and, if they don't get it now, they will get more later. It is like with the gas tax--if they had cut it out for the summer, economists had figured they would have to get 242% to make up for what they didn't get from us during the summer to make up for it.


I'm waiting of for the other 142% to hit us.

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The retailers will benefit, but I won't. I'll be home, avoiding the crowds, just like the day after Thanksgiving, and the day after Christmas, and every other mega sale day.


I tried making an appointment for One-to-One Mac training at the Apple store during this weekend, but they're not doing any training. They need to use all their representatives for sales during the whole weekend. Pfttttt.

So, I have to go in at 7:00 Monday morning.

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