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What do you do on "off days"?

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So, it's one of those days again that your child is slouching in their seat, writing with their left hand (even though they are right handed), and are basically in lala land. Had any of those? I've taken breaks, changed the subject matter, used a timer, altogether quit for the day, did read alouds and chalked it up to another day we didn't get to finish math, grammar, and spelling. Does anyone have any other ideas for getting their children to focus when they aren't focused? My daughter is 7 and is totally capable of finishing her work in a timely manner with a good attitude, but the days in which she is "visiting lala land" are getting more and more. I'd like to be able to give her grace when she needs it, but I feel as if she needs more the discipline end of it too. Any suggestions?

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When focus is poor, we exercise by taking a brisk walk, marching around inside the house to music, or playing some very active game. Sometimes I read aloud to them while they clean their rooms, load the dishwasher, or fold laundry. Poor focus doesn't get them out of doing some work, even if they can't handle schoolwork.


I've found it does help to give them a list of what needs to be accomplished, even as young as your dd's age. The list helps them learn to manage their time, set goals, and feel a sense of accomplishment when it's done. I always include on it things they really like to do, too, so they can look forward to those tasks when done with the less preferred ones.

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Sometimes it's just an off day. I usually push through until we finish the subject we are on.


Then I let dd6 pick what subject she wants to do next. "Under the Sea" (our unit study) has been her favorite recently. Sometimes she picks Geography.


It will also be a day of cooking together, reading all those library books that are overdue, art projects, being on the computer, legos, snap circuits, and playing games.


We also do this if I know we will have a shorter time period for schoolwork; like if we have an appointment or sleep in too late.


If we're not feeling well, we do what we feel like, then watch a lot of PBS Kids.

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Today I was the one having an off day. I was tired, sore and cranky. It showed. I decided to double up on his assigned reading which I knew he would enjoy and drop the other things till tomorrow. This was after apologizing for being so irritable. And no, it's not my time of month. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. After he was done with his reading, I let him watch a Netflix documentary on human evolution and then he just started practicing piano for a long time on his own.

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After a break, if dd is still not fully participating in her school work she is sent to take a rest(no toys and in bed). I expect my children to be engaged in their work. They get enough breaks and weeks off as well as enough sleep (I let them sleep to 8 on school days). If they are not sick, which I will ask them, then they need to do their work properly. If dd drags her feet on her school work I stop her and move on, anything not finished gets moved to the afternoon for homework and will interfere with her time to play. I do allow her to do school anywhere she wants but I expect neat work, no exceptions. messy work will be redone. Attitude gets a seat on the stairs for a timeout. I do not need give attitude and I do not expect it from my children.

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Snack, chores (for myself and them), a walk, bike ride, etc., I sometimes let my son choose his next assignment. We were having an off day today and once he was able to have a say in where we were going next, with the next assignment. He perked right up. :)

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