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Eckerd College

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Has anyone here explored Eckerd College in St Pete, FL? It's quite high on youngest's list right now, but we can't get there to visit it for who knows how long. Youngest is my guy wanting tropical Bio - their Marine Bio is also appealing to him. He has the scores to get in, but the money would be dicey based upon his current scores.


If he were to end up there, it would be an interesting circle as all of my boys were born in Pinellas County, FL, but we left when youngest was 6 months old so I wasn't quite into exploring college options at that point...

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Has anyone here explored Eckerd College in St Pete, FL? It's quite high on youngest's list right now, but we can't get there to visit it for who knows how long. Youngest is my guy wanting tropical Bio - their Marine Bio is also appealing to him. He has the scores to get in, but the money would be dicey based upon his current scores.


If he were to end up there, it would be an interesting circle as all of my boys were born in Pinellas County, FL, but we left when youngest was 6 months old so I wasn't quite into exploring college options at that point...


Hi Creekland!


Did you know that Eckerd is in Colleges that change lives : 40 schools you should know about even if you're not a straight-A student / Loren Pope?


What do you want to know? I know a little, but remember it is my personal opinion.

- I would consider it a mid-tier academic school

- Marine Biology stands out - I hear great things about it

- The people I know who have graduated from there give it positive reviews

- Beautiful campus on the Gulf or Mexico or Tampa Bay, depending on the border :rolleyes:

- Something about retired executives living on-campus and mentoring students seems to be very beneficial

- A good friend's dh has taught poetry there for 18+ years and enjoys his job

- Same friend has spent 2-3 semesters in England over those 18+ years supervising the students (sounds like just about everybody spends a semester in England in their 4 years)

- Basketball coach is recruiting ds :rolleyes:



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Thanks Sue! That does help. I like to know what people who have looked at it or "been there, doing that" (profs or students) think - all sorts of stuff we'd be checking out if we went to visit (by asking locals, students, and profs). The stats and things I can find out online, but it's difficult to assess "popular" opinion and I'm not fond of the online review sites as many like to post negative reviews (when they feel that way) but few make the effort to do the same with positive. It's our human nature, I think.


However... a few reviews mention that the school is rather heavy on the druggie side... is that the popular opinion? I'm aware that drugs are everywhere, but so far, my two older boys have found plenty of company in the non-druggie crowds at their schools. With youngest's epilepsy, I want to make sure he has the potential for a non-druggie crowd rather than feeling like he doesn't fit in or giving in to the peer pressure in order to fit in.


I see that the school is Pres (USA). Is there a religious vibe to the school or is it Pres in the same manner that Duke is (or at least was) Methodist (mostly meaningless)?


I did know that they are a CTCL school and have looked at their write up on that site. It definitely added to the positive column as did one review we saw that mentioned kids sometimes attend class barefoot. ;)

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I attended around 20 years ago. :eek: Where has the time gone!


Positives -


Loved the winter terms - my trip to Greece is an absolute highlight of my school experiences

Loved that they provided a mentor (professor not student) for all entering freshmen

Beautiful location

Friendly, laid-back atmosphere

I started in Marine Biology and the program was quite good

Easy to make friends, no issues with students ever

Interesting classes, many have stuck with me for 20 years


Could be Cons-


It was quite liberal. And I came from a public inner-city high school.

Drinking tended to be overlooked even for underage students, but I wasn't a drinker and had many friends that also weren't

I took a literature class that I wish I never had, and causes me to blush even now thinking about it.


Notes -


Coming from the north, the no shoes thing made me cringe

I didn't notice any drug problems, but this was 20 years ago

There wasn't much religion, but the church on campus was open to everyone and bus arrangements to other churches could be made

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However... a few reviews mention that the school is rather heavy on the druggie side... is that the popular opinion? I'm aware that drugs are everywhere, but so far, my two older boys have found plenty of company in the non-druggie crowds at their schools. With youngest's epilepsy, I want to make sure he has the potential for a non-druggie crowd rather than feeling like he doesn't fit in or giving in to the peer pressure in order to fit in.

My df always says that it's a hippie school. I am not quite sure what that means though. I can ask about the drug issue. I would assume, though, that it's not any worse than any other similar school. I will say that ds and her dh don't do drugs. Their oldest ds is a freshman at Eckerd this year (free tuition), though he lives at home. He is quite shy/introverted. One evening, we went for a walk on campus. I was a bit shocked by the blaring loud music coming out of the dorms. Goodness. I had forgotten that particular annoyance. BTW, they have different dorms with themes - like one accepts pets.


I see that the school is Pres (USA). Is there a religious vibe to the school or is it Pres in the same manner that Duke is (or at least was) Methodist (mostly meaningless)?

I assume not particularly religious. My df and her dh are Episcopalian, but not really practicing anymore. I've been to a play and a few concerts on campus and there was absolutely nothing offensive (meaning pushing a particular religious agenda) in either.



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Thanks to both of you! My guy isn't a hippie (free drugs/love), but he is definitely a "greenie." But on other things we tend to be more conservative (not necessarily super conservative). We're a weird mix in this polarized era I think, but my other two have found similar groups for peers. All youngest would need would be "his" group for some good peers - and general tolerance.

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My brother and I both attended Eckerd. We are both very different (with him being the conservative in the family), and we both loved it. I can't give you any current information on it. Take a look at the waterfront program which has it's own search and rescue team that is open to all students. The marine science department was amazing even decades ago and grown since then.

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I went to Eckerd, too. :thumbup1:


It definitely belongs in the Colleges that Change Lives book — it totally changed mine. My philosophy professor there was my favorite teacher ever, anywhere, including a top 10 grad school. Small seminar-type classes and independent study/research prepared me extremely well for grad school — in fact, I found that I was much better prepared to think than most of the other students, even though they'd done their undergrad work at schools with much larger, more highly rated Anthro departments. I didn't fully appreciate how good I'd had it at Eckerd until I TA'd some intro classes, and realized that most college freshmen never even meet their professors — let alone hang out at their house eating pizza and arguing about Kierkegaard!


I didn't think the drugs & drinking were any worse than any other college campus, and for most kids it didn't interfere with academics. As for religion, it's not what I would call a "Christian college," despite the affiliation (it was called Florida Presbyterian before Jack Eckerd donated $10 million), but there is a chapel on campus with regular services.


It's a very diverse place, and you can make of it whatever you choose. I certainly knew a few kids whose wealthy parents ended up paying for them to major in frisbee and weed for 4 years, but I also knew lots of kids who really took advantage of everything Eckerd had to offer and were accepted into top med, law, and grad schools.



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I heard back from my df whose dh works at Eckerd about the drug situation. He thinks it's about average. They exist, some partake, they are not forced on anyone. Uncommon for students to show up for class on drugs. Few problems when they went to London for a semester. Drinking age in England is 18, so some kids drank and were loud when they returned home, but no daily behavior problems.



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