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Update: They shorted my daughter on her last paycheck


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She worked 44 hours and they only paid her for 19.94 hours. She is going to call the personel office tomorrow and see if she can get this straightened out. I'm glad she is finally working. It would be nice if they would actually pay her what she is due. It makes me want to scream.



They finally got it straightened out and gave her the additional amount they owned her this evening at work. She tried calling several times and the personel people were never in. She just went into the office this evening before work and got it straightened out. We can breathe once again! YAY!

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My dd is still waiting on her check for last month. The checks are usually put out on the desk the 1st of the month. My dd works just 1x/week and she worked on February 28th, so she wasn't going to get hers until March 7th, but it wasn't there. She thought they had just made a mistake and hadn't gotten them out there yet. When her check wasn't there on the 14th either, she asked them about it and that's when they told her that it should have been out there because all the checks were put on the table on the 1st like they should have been. They are trying to figure out what happened to her check now. If they haven't called/emailed her by Tuesday morning, she is going to email again to ask about her check. This should have been a larger check than normal because she worked two extra shifts as a substitute.

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