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Upper Respiratory for 3 weeks..what else can I do?


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I have had this bug for 3 weeks. Got it from my kids and grands, who were also sick for weeks.

Not in bed sick, just run down and tired. I am for the most part better, but still have no voice by the end of the day and still somewhat congested. Temp is back to normal and I am not so wicked tired as I was. DH now has it. Sigh.

I did call the Dr. office last week and they said it didn't sound like I needed to be seen, just continue to rest and get over it.

another sigh.



So on Friday is a 3 day Cropping thing I have paid 125.00 to go to. It's only once a year and I would love to go!


I am doing the neti pot twice a day, using zinc spray and EmergenC. Any thoughts on how to boost my immune system this week?

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My daughter had something like that after Christmas that lasted about 5 weeks. After about week 3, I put her on echinacea, zinc, and vitamin C. I don't know if that helped or if it just needed to run its course, but at about 5 weeks she was probably back to normal.

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My daughter had something like that after Christmas that lasted about 5 weeks. After about week 3, I put her on echinacea, zinc, and vitamin C. I don't know if that helped or if it just needed to run its course, but at about 5 weeks she was probably back to normal.



At what point do you go out and not worry you are contagious?


5 weeks..seriously, I have a life to get back to and now with my DH sick we will never get to hold that new grandson! He is 1 month old and I haven't held him since he was in the hospital. He lives walking distance from my house!



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How about Vit. A? I tried Vit. A the last time I was sick when I ran out of my usual remedies. I took close to 100,000 IU to hit it hard at the beginning and then 60,000 IU x3/day to maintain until it was gone. I almost couldn't believe it, but it worked really well for me. I was using this Carotene (Vit. A).

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How about Vit. A? I tried Vit. A the last time I was sick when I ran out of my usual remedies. I took close to 100,000 IU to hit it hard at the beginning and then 60,000 IU x3/day to maintain until it was gone. I almost couldn't believe it, but it worked really well for me. I was using this Carotene (Vit. A).



That would be a new thought for me.


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That would be a new thought for me.


It's cheap...doesn't hurt to try, right? Do you have a vitamin store near you? The capsules are small and easy to take, too. Vit. A is an immune booster and it can dry out those sinuses (as it did with me).

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I had something similar. It dragged on for weeks, and I was achy and fatigued.


I saw a display for elderberry syrup and bought some because I wanted so badly to feel better. Amazingly, I started feeling better within a couple of days of taking it.

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I had something similar. It dragged on for weeks, and I was achy and fatigued.


I saw a display for elderberry syrup and bought some because I wanted so badly to feel better. Amazingly, I started feeling better within a couple of days of taking it.



Thank you for that encouragement! I went to the health food store today and bought Elderberry and Echineacea. I refilled my EmergenC supply.


I am sure hoping this will end the run for me this week! I was kind enough to share ti with my DH....hope his duration is much shorter than mine!

I don't feel bad anymore, but I still have something going on in my nose and my voice is distressed by the end of the day. the fever and chills is gone. Thankfully! Fatigue was awful.

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sleep sleep sleep. Minced garlic, honey, b-complex, good oils (nuts) and good proteins (lean meat.) and more sleep. Sleep a whole 24 hours ( = find someone to watch the kids.)



You made me smile. My last child got married 3 years ago, so we are empty nesters.

I am sleeping and resting whenever I feel like it!

However, several of my kids are going on a cruise in 3 weeks and I am watching 3 of the grands for them!

I do need to kick this for more than one reason.

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Have you tried steaming yourself? Pour a kettle full of boiling water into a large mixing bowl on the kitchen table. Sit down next to it and put a towel over it to make a steamy tent to breathe in. Keep breathing (taking breaks if necessary) until the steam is gone. It really seems to help with the symptoms.



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