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HOD Bigger


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I am in the process of doing my planning for next year. I will have my 7 YO in Bigger exclusively while my 9 YO will use the history and science portions (with some extra WTM-style work). Consequently, I am reading the entire guide to figure out what supplemental books I want to use for my daughter. However as I am going through the guide, I had some questions about the "Artistic Expressions" box. Do your kids enjoy these, and do you find them to be helpful? Also, are there any projects that did not work? I am open to any other Bigger advice (things that worked, things that helped the day run smoothly, etc.) Thanks!

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Sometimes we did them and sometimes we didn't. I'm not big on hands-on projects :) I generally let my child pick last year whether he did them or not.


Last year I had an 8yods doing Bigger and one of the things we did was turn the Science box into completely independent work - at least in general. I did help him if he needed help with an experiment or notebook page but he read by himself and at least started the activity on his own. I really think this helped him get ready for the independence built into the Preparing guide.

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The Artistic Expression box was my son's favorite part of Bigger! (He loves anything hands-on). It was always easy for me to implement and only required basic supplies. They are quick and easy and fun for kiddos. When I dropped Bigger, the art box was what I missed the most. :)

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We're using Bigger this year. My ds LOVES rotating box, esp the art. They've all turned out beautifully. He has a lovely portfolio of art, several projects that we framed and his clay projects displayed in his room. There's a supply list in the files of the HOD Yahoo group. That helped a lot with planning. I had all the supplies bought beforehand, so now we can just grab the needed items and go (things like clay, paint, a flashlight, food coloring, etc). I used the files for notebooking too, and The Monarch Room blog has some great character/verse cards to print.

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So far, we've had pretty good luck with the projects working. The only one I remember them needing help on was the potato stamp. As simple as the projects are, my boys have loved them. I really love how they have something to do with what we've studied that week. I thought my 10 year old (who is already a great artist) would think those projects were silly, but he hasn't complained once. Bigger has been so much fun :) I agree with the previous poster that having things bought ahead really helps. I have found, however, that we really did have on hand most of what we needed.

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We're using Bigger this year. My ds LOVES rotating box, esp the art. They've all turned out beautifully. He has a lovely portfolio of art, several projects that we framed and his clay projects displayed in his room. There's a supply list in the files of the HOD Yahoo group. That helped a lot with planning. I had all the supplies bought beforehand, so now we can just grab the needed items and go (things like clay, paint, a flashlight, food coloring, etc). I used the files for notebooking too, and The Monarch Room blog has some great character/verse cards to print.



Thank you! I have found the HOD Yahoo group to be invaluable. I have the materials listed printed, and I am in the process of creating a set of notebooking pages for each of my children!

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Where did you get the notebook pages? I would love them!


Here's the Yahoo group where I got mine. The Bigger folder seems to me missing quite a few files at the moment.


http://groups.yahoo.... for His Glory/'


Actually this is the group I use, but I will keep the other one is case it helps you.



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