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Need Help in Finding the Right Science Curriculum


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I am looking for a science curriculum for my youngest son. He is a late reader and still struggles a little with reading, but he is going to be 5th grade next year. He likes workbooks, so this year we tried CLE Science. He has enjoyed the fact that it is fairly independent, but he is not remembering what he is reading. It is just not visual enough nor hands on enough for him. We have also tried Apologia in the past, which was a complete bust for this particular kid.


So, what I am looking for a a science curr. that is visual, hand on, fairly independent, with maybe some type of workbook (not notebooking) component thrown in. Is there anything out there like this? I appreciate any and all suggestions.

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You might take a look at Real Science for Kids. We have used the middle level books and the high school chemistry one as well. Definitely something that can be done independently (with just the occasional second pair of hands on the labs. Very colorful and easy to read.

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I was thinking the same thing. The reading isn't too intense, includes labs, includes worksheets to fill out. Seems to fit the bill for the OP. Just choose whatever level seems to fit his reading level and science interest. Can be independent except for some labs, open and go, with a schedule, answer key & materials list included. The books are mostly all quite engaging if the kid is interested in science and the Discover and Do companion DVDs are very good.

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Thank you all for the suggestions. I have some research to do. I have used Sonlight in the past, just not with this particular child. I had completely forgot about that. I may have to go back and look at that again. I will also be checking out the other curriculum suggested. Thank you all who replied. Any more suggestions will also be appreciated.

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