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curriculum ideas help needed


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I am starting to think about next yrs choices and needed to totally rethink my ideas.

I started a job working 7p to 12a and need to rethink the way I homeschool. I have simplified everything I planned this year to make it through the rest of the year. But I am starting to think about next year.


I am very happy with Math U See and my kids are doing well. Also, it is not teacher intensive.

I will have a DS 2nd grader (struggling reader), DD 4th grader, and DD 6th grader. I need ideas on what to do with them that is all planned out.


I have found spelling programs, and phonics online that I will continue to use next year. Also, my 6th grader will continue with Worthsmith apprentice and I am thinking about writing strands for 4th grader.


Any ideas for Phonics(that can be done independent), Grammer, History, Science, and electives that are easy to use and planned out?

I would like to keep them together as much as possible.


I also, have twin boys who will be doing K in the fall, but I am not really doing anything formal with them.


I really would like something I could hand my 2 olders that they can do on their own or together to free me up some to work with the 3 boys.

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Well, it is young for him, but the BJU Homesat (Distance Learning) Phonics & Reading 1 was awesome. AWESOME. We had been doing it with me teaching it, and it was working but slow going.... I could pop that DVD in and replay the same lesson and that teacher still smiled every single time :D The rest of 2nd grade my DD enjoyed too. There isn't enough phonics really in the reading 2 if he really is struggling.


Growing with Grammar can be pretty independent it looks like.


I'm not sure on the rest really - I struggle with the same thinking. I know i'm going to be working in the fall and have tried to find things that aren't overly intensive for me (I have no idea what hours I will end up with). For your 6th grader I would say some Virtual classes might work - but I realize not every state has those for free like FL does.


We had a horrid experience early on with Writing Strands 3 - so I would RUN from it.... but it might work for you guys! :p


Is your 6th grader a self-starter? Would she help with the history for the youngers? You could do History Odyssey 4 with them all, or just do SOTW 4 with audio, the AG and add in stuff for the 6th grader.


I will be watching the suggestions!

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Hake grammar, Wordly Wise vocab, and Elemental Science (logic stage) linked in my sig are all used pretty independently by my DS10. We're continuing all of them next year, meaning that he likes them, and I think he's learning and retaining with them. :coolgleamA: Maybe that gives you some ideas for your older two.


History Odyssey might work well also. Or Sonlight's history, if they enjoy reading a lot.


Sonlight's science can be mostly independent at 4th & 6th grade and could combine them also. Just choose whatever level interests them or they haven't had much exposure to yet.


I don't know if your kids are learning/want to learn Spanish, but I highly recommend Visual Link Spanish (also in my sig) if you don't have access to a live tutor. DS loves Visual Link and does it every day.


Sorry, I don't have any helpful tips for your youngest. Hopefully bumping you up will get others to chime in.


Hugs and good luck to you!

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Thanks for the suggestions.

We have tried Sonlight in the past, but it didn't work for us. I loved the fact that everything was all planned out and you could order pkgs. Unfortunately, I was overwhelmed by the amount of material it covered and if I remember correctly there was alot of reading aloud.


I will check into some of the other suggestions.

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For history, could you have your oldest 2 take turns reading SOTW. Just read. Try to have them read a chapter a week. Then have everyone pick their favorite chapter from the week and once a week come and tell you what their favorite was? Just a thought.

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If you like SOTW you could have the oldest read a section and you could prep by having all the maps and coloring sheets printed out and then you could ask the review questions when you are home. Maybe just go through the AG and pick a few projects to do on a weekend.


There's also just watching netflix documentaries. And HO in the older grades is meant to be independent.

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