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Question for those that have used Elemental Science Logic Stage Biology

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I am getting ready to order this for next year, however we plan to start it soon so we can take things slow for a few months. The website lists four reference books. Did you find that you actually used all four? I am specifically wondering if both the Usborne and Kingfisher encyclopedias are necessary. It seems a bit redundant so I thought I would ask before I order.

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We use ES logic biology also. The DK Encyclopedia of Nature and the Kingfisher are listed as the required reading sources and are the only two books we use. The other books are just suggested for additional reading. Amanda is correct - the Kingfisher is a higher reading level than Usborne. And I agree, using both Usborne and Kingfisher is probably redundant for most people. We happen to also own Usborne, but my DS10 prefers Kingfisher because Usborne is "too choppy" and "not enough details" (his words).

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My dd uses the Kingfisher for the readings, but chooses to use Usborne for definitions. The Encyclopedia of Nature is for the Animals section, I think. We don't have the UIDS book (Usborne Dictionary of Science?) or the DK Human Body book.

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We are using it this year. We are doing the units in our own order... but for the most part you use the E. of Nature. The Kingfisher is scheduled for the human body section. I didn't want to buy Kingfisher for just one unit, so we're using Usborne instead for that one section and it's working out just fine. We are also reading The Way We Work on the side too throughout the human body unit.


Anyway i'm rambling but agree with prev posters... scheduled texts are E. of Nature and Kingfisher.

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I didn't want to buy Kingfisher for just one unit, so we're using Usborne instead for that one section and it's working out just fine.


FWIW, you may already know this, or you may not be planning to use Elemental Science again after logic stage biology, but I just wanted to mention that the Kingfisher Enc. is also one of the main spines in the logic stage earth science and astronomy course. (We're planning that one for next year.) Logic stage chem and physics haven't been released yet, but I'm hoping that Paige continues the trend of using the Kingfisher again in those courses as well. It definitely helps when the same book can be used more than once!


I never thought a child of mine would enjoy encyclopedias for science - it's not what I would have chosen for him - but DS loves them! :)

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Thanks everyone! It helps to have btdt experience. I will get my hands on the Kingfisher Encyclopedia and the Encyclopedia of Nature. We have the Human Body one already.....if I can find it. It was the Usborne I was hoping to not have to buy and looks like I can get away without it....


What I DID NOT know is that the Chemistry and Physics were not released yet!!!! I was hoping to use all four in a row. I may have to rethink this..... It seems like every time we try to start an unfinished series that claims to plan to have the other parts out in plenty of time, the schedule gets changed and I am scrambling to find something else that works...... Dd is a creature of habit so I am trying very hard to find consistent materials whenever possible. Anyone else planning to use the others and hoping for a timely release?

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