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Does anyone know what amino acids help with sugar/carb cravings?

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A couple of years ago somebody shared with me a couple of amino acids that help with sugar/carb cravings. I took them and they worked. I ran out and started craving/eating the sugar and carbs again.


Well, I have been off sugar/ white flour for about 5 weeks now, but the cravings are getting worse instead of better. I would really like to figure out what amino acids help with this so I can start taking them again. Can anyone help me, I am about to lose it and got find some sugar (and I am getting crankier by the minute:banghead:) !


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Try L-glutamine. Works well for carb and sugar cravings round here! ;) I use GABA and L-tyrosine as well, the first as a relaxer and the second to get me going in the morning sans coffee (well, most of the time!). Are those the ones you were looking for?

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That is interesting about the calcium. I don't eat a lot of dairy products and I haven't been taking my supplements regularly. I will have to try and up the calcium and see if it helps.


I think the L-Glutamine might have been one of them, but there was another one also. Thanks for the help!

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Also, try Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 tspn in a glass of water at least several times a day, preferably with each of the 8 glasses of water that we all should have. Try to have the first one immediately that you get up in the morning. Some people don't like the taste, but please persevere! There's not much like it for stopping cravings. I think the taste is very refreshing, and I eat a lot less with it.

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