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BFSU materials list? additional book list?


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What materials or equipment do I need for the demonstrations in Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding Vol 1? Is there a list somewhere?


What additional books do I need that I really should own rather than check out from the library to do BFSU?



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There is a materials list in the Yahoo! group, I have a copy somewhere but don't use it. The only thing I've purchased was a magnet set with iron filings. The rest have been things that I had or could find easily.


We have a great library system, so I haven't bought many books. However, I have a copy of 730 Easy Science Experiments and for the first half of the year I was able to tie in experiments from that pretty regularly. In fact, I need to get that back out now that we are looking at plants...

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I haven't bought much equipment for vol 1, because either a) I am a packrat for sciency things or B) I just MacGyver it. Probably both.


As far as books, I have issues with the library, so I do buy a lot of those, probably too many to list. In a nutshell, though, I'd recommend good nature guidebooks for your area and depending on your kid's reading level or interests, some science encyclopedias. We have the Usborne Science Encyclopedia with the internet links, that has come in handy in a pinch a few times. Eyewitness books also get a lot of use here. "The New Way Things Work" and "The Way Life Works" are also fantastic, but they might be more than you need.

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I think for volume one we bought magnets, the rock and mineral sets, and some marbles we used for the sound lesson. Everything else we were able to do with stuff around the house. We might have also waited until we were going to buy potting soil and seeds anyway before we did some of the plant lessons, otherwise we would have had to buy those things to use for a couple B thread lessons.


As far as books, I agree with the previous posters...I usually just look for whatever the library has. I personally love the "Let's read and find out about science" series and buy those whenever I see them used...but that's more of a personal preference rather than something that goes along exceptionally well. Our library has them too, I just like having some on hand. I own other science books as well...but usually I just buy whatever I find a good deal on used to have an assortment around for the kids to read for fun.

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I have a spreadsheet with the booklists & supply lists here: https://docs.google....OTdDY0Z0ZURncEE


I've made it accessible by anyone with the link. I put the "My Order" column in so that someone using it could put in their own lesson order & have it sort the lessons into their personal chronological order. If you can, you might want to see if you can download or otherwise save your own copy, or else I think whoever comes along next and puts in their order might change yours.


The immediate sheet that will open should be the BFSU1 sheet. If you want the BFSU2 sheet, look along the bottom of the page and you should see two tabs, "BFSU1" and "BFSU2". There is slightly more information on the BFSU2 chart, because the fabulous person who make the original supply list had more information listed.


Here's a quick public service announcement about the spreadsheets: I tried to protect the data in the sheets, but anyone with editing permissions can change it anyway. I'm not sure that y'all will have all the features that I would want (able to download as a spreadsheet, etc) if I say that y'all can't edit the document. So please be careful when you're in there to not change anything. If disaster happens accidentally, please let me know because I do have a separate backup version.



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What additional books do I need that I really should own rather than check out from the library to do BFSU?





Before obtaining my copy of BFSU, I had bought a bunch of Singapore Science MPAH books. I thought the MPAH textbooks dovetailed nicely with BFSU, but I certainly don't think you NEED to buy them. I just happened to already have them. But if you have a good library system, with lots of nonfiction science picture books, you shouldn't have to buy anything.

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