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Looking for Health Curricula/Suggestions for 6th Grade

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How do you teach health topics/information to your middle schooler? What do you cover? Do you use a curriculum or particular book? I have an upcoming 6th grader and feel like I need to address a list of topics like drugs/alcohol, basic first aid, nutrition etc. and am looking for ideas from those who may have done it already.



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My 12 yr old daughter used the Health book by Abeka this year. It is incorporated into the Abeka Science curriculum but I believe you can purchase the health book separately . It is a fairly short book and to the point. You could easily just cover a chapter a week and talk about it. You can get used Abeka health books very cheaply on Amazon or Ebay. I would recommend this curriculum. However , if Christian content is objectionable to you then it might not be a good fit.

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My DS used this Harcourt health and fitness book this year. It fits your requirements. I picked it up used but in new condition for a quarter. I've been extremely pleased with the topics and depth. It is age-appropriate and thorough. We just read through a section or two a week and then talk about it, although they do have student workbooks and a teacher resource guide available too if you want them. I'd be glad to share the topics listed in the Table of Contents if you're interested, but it fits right in with what you included in your post.

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I'm going to try Food Rules, the Illustrated edition, which has the lovely artwork of Myra Kalman - it's an abbreviated version of Pollan's original book, but apparently also an entity unto itself. I'm actually using it as supplement to our study of the human body, with Apologia's Exploring Creation: Anatomy and Physiology.

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