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Cost of living- Chicago area?

Annie Laurie

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My dh has a job offer in Woodbridge, IL. Does anyone here live around there who could tell me more about it, and especially, the cost of living?


My dh tends to assume no place has a cost of living as good as where we live- DFW area, TX. I want to investigate it fully before he turns it down. It would involve a salary increase but he is convinced that the higher cost of living would make that not worthwhile, and he may be right.


Any other info on that area is welcome too.

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That's what I was afraid of. No, dh won't accept the offer unless the increase is such that it would cover the higher COL, plus still be a raise from what he's making now.


I told dh a few weeks ago that I'm fine with staying here. After wanting to move from DFW for so long, I've felt more at peace for the last couple of years about staying here because it's easy to live here, (for us anyway, while raising 5 kids), but this offer made me realize how much I really would like to move. Chicago sounds like it has so many more things to do that we'd like, DFW is not very interesting or diverse.

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You can google around for websites where you type in your current zip code and salary and potential zip code, and it will tell you what salary you need to make to maintain the same standard of living. It will also break up the different cost categories, like housing, food, and medical care. I've moved a few times and have found these sites generally accurate and very useful.

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Woodridge is one of the western suburbs, and I think one of the more affordable ones, IIRC. Not sure. It's near Naperville, which is a really nice 'burb with many good restaurants and a pretty river walk. You might want to know more about the Woodridge schools just in case you decide to sell later. Schools can make it easier or harder to sell.


One thing to check out is property tax. Personally, I think they're ridiculously high and am waiting for the good citizens to revolt.


Chicago does offer a lot of fun activities, more than you could possibly do. You'd be able to get into the city fairly easily using the Metra train which would take you to the Loop. From there you could take the CTA trains and buses, taxis, even water taxis at times, or just walk. The city is very walkable but you should be alert and not walk in unsafe areas.

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Woodridge is a nice area. My DH lived there before we got married. COL isn't too bad. You could get a nice house for under $250k. If you go a little farther south for housing you could find something for a lot less.


We now live about 20 minutes south of Woodridge. Pm me if you would like to know where. You could get a really nice house near us for 174k or even less at the moment.


Gas in the burbs is right around $4 a gallon right now. We have excellent libraries too.

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Woodridge is one of the western suburbs, and I think one of the more affordable ones, IIRC. Not sure. It's near Naperville, which is a really nice 'burb with many good restaurants and a pretty river walk. You might want to know more about the Woodridge schools just in case you decide to sell later. Schools can make it easier or harder to sell.


One thing to check out is property tax. Personally, I think they're ridiculously high and am waiting for the good citizens to revolt.


Chicago does offer a lot of fun activities, more than you could possibly do. You'd be able to get into the city fairly easily using the Metra train which would take you to the Loop. From there you could take the CTA trains and buses, taxis, even water taxis at times, or just walk. The city is very walkable but you should be alert and not walk in unsafe areas.


We have high property taxes here, but will definitely be looking into what it would be there.


Thanks for all the info!

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Woodridge is a nice area. My DH lived there before we got married. COL isn't too bad. You could get a nice house for under $250k. If you go a little farther south for housing you could find something for a lot less.


We now live about 20 minutes south of Woodridge. Pm me if you would like to know where. You could get a really nice house near us for 174k or even less at the moment.


Gas in the burbs is right around $4 a gallon right now. We have excellent libraries too.


Thank you, this is so helpful.

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Funny...I've just been dreaming about relocating to the DFW area due to COL, warmer weather, and how supportive Texas seems to be for homeschoolers. Have you lived in the cold, snowy North before? This last day of February I am especially dreaming of warm, sunny places. Sigh....



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I disagree with ChicagoShannon's estimates on house prices. The prices she quoted are for very small homes--if that is what you want, then that is okay.


A nicer neighborhood that is still not horribly affluent has homes for sale at around $300,000.


Can you take a trip up and look around, see how you feel about the area? It's reasonable to request that before accepting a job that requires relocation.

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Woodridge is a nice area. My DH lived there before we got married. COL isn't too bad. You could get a nice house for under $250k. If you go a little farther south for housing you could find something for a lot less.


We now live about 20 minutes south of Woodridge. Pm me if you would like to know where. You could get a really nice house near us for 174k or even less at the moment.


Gas in the burbs is right around $4 a gallon right now. We have excellent libraries too.


Agreed. I live 15mins from woodridge.

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