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Yet another pre-algebra question... advice please

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My son is 11, in 6th grade. He is a smart kid and was in 6th grade math when we pulled him out of 5th grade in public school. But ever since then I feel we have been floundering trying to figure out just exactly where he is in math. We went through 5th grade of MM last year.


From there we tried Lial's BCM but it felt like just a lot of review. Maybe that is good, I don't know. But I did feel like he wasn't learning anything new. So now we are trying AoPs Pre-Algebra. Math is my weakest subject and I really have a hard time answering questions. He loves Khan Academy videos but I have to keep reminding him that watching random videos does not make a complete math curriculum.


So...all that to say that I need help! He would like something with videos, something like Khan. I want something challenging. He has 6 months left of 6th grade, so it is early enough he could do something twice if needed. I was thinking he could do something else first and then move into AoPS.


Any suggestions or ideas would be great!

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pre-algebra IS often a lot of review. its basically going over everything they should have learned by now, before they start algebra. watching random videos is not a bad review . . . you might want to see if the algebra curriculum you plan to use has a pre-test, and then you can figure out what he actually needs, and make him watch those khan academy videos - and you know, the videos have exercises, too - make him do them!

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What about Life of Fred Pre-Algebra? It might give him the review of a pre-algebra course, but be a bit more engaging. He can always continue with AoPS etc.


Just, if you use LOF, make sure he does the math. I meet a lot of kids whose parents claim they love LOF, only to find out the kid just read it and never really did the problems.

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my ds11 sounds similar to yours. We are using TabletClass which I highly recommend. It is rigorous with a good amount of early Algebra vs. simply a lot of review which we both like. He just finished a section on quadratic equations. We also supplement with AoPS and Khan and they work great together. Overall I think he will be well prepared for Algebra 1 soon.


TC has videos similar to Khan along with the everything else needed included fully explained solutions to the problems via video lessons. You can take a look here: http://www.tabletcla...prealgebra.aspx


There is a demo area also here:


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Derek- I did a trial of Tablet Class a few months ago and found it somewhat confusing. It never seemed that there were any actual problems to work on? Is the actual class more organized and easy to figure out what you are supposed to be doing?

Thanks for the post and help.


Doing a pretest is also a great idea. Pulling a kid out of school in 5th grade is hard! It is so much easier with my K kid, we just start at the beginning! It would be good to have concrete knowledge of what he knows and doesn't know.


We will continue a bit with AoPS and maybe add in some Khan for areas he doesn't understand. I will make sure he is also watching the AoPS videos!! Thanks!

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Also, make sure he understands all operations with negative numbers before proceeding further with AoPS Prealgebra (this should not take long :)). MM5 covers addition and subtraction with negative numbers, but not multiplication and division.


Is there a particular topic or chapter giving him trouble? My kids seemed to feel chapters 2 and 5 are challenging. If ratios (ch 7, I think) gives him trouble, perhaps work with the ratio chapter in MM6 (or a Blue topic book) first.

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Derek- I did a trial of Tablet Class a few months ago and found it somewhat confusing. It never seemed that there were any actual problems to work on? Is the actual class more organized and easy to figure out what you are supposed to be doing?


Yes, I think you probably just need to poke around a bit more. The user's guide goes through all of this really well. Go to 'Start Here' and then click on 'How to use Tablet Class.' Also keep in mind that the Demo Site is always available to try out now. See above link.


All you have to do to view the problems and solutions is to click on the chapter icon - it looks like a paper and pen. Once in there it is very easy to follow. I've posted a picture of it below which should give a better idea:





Also note that Khan has problems also which we use as well, not just videos. They work with the video lessons. Here is an example:


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Derek- Thank you so much! I will check it out more thoroughly this time. About how much time do you spend with your son for math? I am starting to wonder how I can possibly have enough time in the day to get it all done! :glare:


Crimson Wife- thanks for Derek Owens idea. I have looked at his site, it looks good but it is hard to tell if it worth the extra cost as compared to some of the other programs.

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Derek- Thank you so much! I will check it out more thoroughly this time. About how much time do you spend with your son for math? I am starting to wonder how I can possibly have enough time in the day to get it all done! :glare:


Crimson Wife- thanks for Derek Owens idea. I have looked at his site, it looks good but it is hard to tell if it worth the extra cost as compared to some of the other programs.


We typically spend ~ 1.5 hours per day. This goes up or down somewhat depending on how challenging the topic is. We plan on continuing with math into the Summer break. This will give us a chance to add in some supplementals and jump start 7th grade Algebra 1.


A great feature of TabletClass is that if you pay for 1 year you can do Pre-A and then roll right into Algebra 1 under the same annual subscription. We will be doing this before the end of 6th grade since ds11 is getting close to the end of Pre-A. For your ds11 you could skim/skip certain areas which he already knows. That will allow you to accelerate the class and get ready sooner for Algebra 1. There is an end of the chapter test you can have him take. Then just have him go back and work on areas he missed vs. the whole chapter. The chapter tests really aid in this way to target areas that need the most work.


BTW, we considered Derek Owens Pre-A as well. I think its a great program overall. However it consisted of more elementary math review and less algebraic content. So we opted for TC. ds11 was ready to move up and has really risen to the challenge in this course.

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Thanks again Derek. We are on a different school schedule so we actually have 6 more months of 6th grade left. I would like for him to get through as much Pre-A as possible in that time and move into Algebra when ready. I am tentatively planning to use Foerster with Math Without Borders DVD's for his algebra program.


Definitely going to check out Tablet Class a bit more though.

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