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Does anyone still do the Zone diet or Mediterranean diet? If not, why not? If so, how's it going?


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After a ton of research, I think a combo of Zone and Mediterranean seems to be the way to go for the long-term. I am talking not about a "diet" but a lifestyle change. I did Zone years ago and never felt or looked better. Then along came kids and I didn't do it anymore. I am not overweight at all (I would like to lose 8-10 pounds), but at age 44, I want to get on a better track with eating so I can be healthy and not get that matronly look (pooch around the middle, etc).


I am a "foodie" and I think I could do a Zone/ Med combo and still feel satisfied with good food. (I was never hungry when I did Zone before). I was reading a recent study that was done that the Mediterranean was extremely excellent for preventing heart disease and stroke. I think both programs are very well-balanced and not "fad-ish". I like that Zone does not make you cut out carbs (I could not do that!!!!) but rather has you focus on low-glycemic carbs, but it won't kill you to have a half a bagel-just add some protein and fat. Very doable.


I think Zone and Mediterranean are quite compatible, don't you? Do you do one or the other or both, and how's it going? Any websites or blogs you have that you like for either?

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Sounds like you want Sonoma. Sonoma is basically a Mediterranean version of South Beach, and SB is very similar to Zone. I love, love, :001_wub: the Sonoma recipes.


When I'm "on the wagon", I eat SB/Sonoma and find it easy to keep the weight off. My big issue is stress/emotional eating, which is why I've yo-yoed, but that isn't the fault of the diet but my own personal bete noire.

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I'm not sure the difference between SB and Zone-I think SB is more low carb. I would fall right off the wagon if I tried to cut all carbs (like I'm not going to deny myself putting my salmon and lettuce and tomato on a whole wheat pita or tortilla). Sonoma sounds very good-I will prbly read the book, thanks.


My idea is to do the Zone but with incorporating Mediterranean foods (like do nuts or olive oil as a fat, etc.) I want to find some really good recipes too-hopefully Sonoma will have them.


ETA: Sonoma recipes look great-thank you so much for recommending! :) I like that they don't cut out all bread, etc. This makes it much more realistic for me as a lifestyle, not a diet.


ETA again: I've done more googling around about Sonoma and I think it's a bit too low carb for me to do it full out, but I still look forward to trying the yummy recipes in conjunction with my Zone/Med combo-thanks!

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I think Zone takes some getting used to. It used to be harder when it was 40-30-30 but I think the new blocks are easier to work with.


It is just the most doable to me because it is sensible but not terribly low carb (which a lot of things out there are now). I like it because I'm not as hungry or deprived-feeling when I eat that way.

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Not a formal thing but we eat similarly to the Med style. Olive oil, beans, greens, little meat, quite a bit of fish and fruit, oh an wine 2-3 times a week. That wine matters to me :-) cI eat whole grains as in barley, brown rice, only a little whole grain bread or pasta. I don't know anything about Zone but if you're doing the whole fiber counteracts the carbs thing there is plenty of fiber. ( I admit a couple times a month my Germanness and dh's Polishness kick in and we eat pierogi or noodles and potatoes but it's about balance, right?)

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