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Suddenly realising the obvious


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Homeschool hadn't been going well for us at all over the past couple of months, for a number of reasons. I was distracted by other big things going on in our lives, the boys got used to spending too much time entertaining themselves, we had a number of bugs and illnesses. I began to hate school, and so did the boys. I came the nearest ever to giving up.


Then, during the past couple of weeks or so I realised that if I spent a little time each day focusing on what I do love about homeschooling, focusing on how much I enjoy the curriculum we're using, on how important it is to me to share a love of learning with the boys, then my attitude changes completely, and also, perhaps not so amazingly, the boys' attitudes change too.


It really is so obvious, and yet it really never occurred to me, that my enthusiasm has an almost magical effect on the boys motivation and attitude.


Has anyone else ever suddenly discovered something obvious and simple that has helped transform their days?

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Yes, I have, but it was pointed out that it all begins with me.


If I don't make homeschooling a priority or value and love it...Why would they think it was a priority or value and love it?

(I'm not saying my ds, loves it (or ever will), but he does know it is what we do and it's important to be done daily and well,day after day.)

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Back when I was homeschooling, I remember taking a moment to see what we'd accomplished. I saw that, small things, done well, over time, can develop into great big things! Just plugging away little by little can truly add up.

So obvious! But a revelation to me, because I don't do consistency very well.

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I've had that realization a few times. The biggest effect on how the kids act is how I act. We all get tired at times though. The more we practice doing what we need to do the easier it is, of course there are always those crazy life events that can throw anyone off.

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