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When to start spelling?


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That depends.


You can be teaching children how to properly spell many things long before you do any formal spelling *instruction.* I don't think there are any hard-and-fast rules about when you should start formal spelling--or even if you *must* start formal spelling. Dave Marks, author of Writing Strands, didn't believe it was necessary.


I do Spalding; it (and its spin-offs/look-alikes) teach children to read by teaching them to spell. With children who were taught with a more traditional phonics method, I think fourth grade/9yo-ish is a good age for formal spelling instruction (which doesn't mean you shouldn't correct misspelled words before then).

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When I first read TWTM, it recommended MCP Plaid Phonics at the same time as SWO. We tried it, and I felt that it was really overkill for us. We then just did SWO for a while. (I think a lot of people teach phonics until they can read and then switch to a phonics-based spelling program.) Then I decided to try SWR, where the student learns phonics for reading through spelling, and I have come to like that method the best, because reading and spelling are integrated into one program.

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