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Common Core and College Credits

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I have been seeing a lot about Common Core recently and I wasn't to concerned until I saw that someone had mentioned about TT not meeting common core standards and therefore not counting as a credit for High School. We use TT because it has been a great fit for my family and especially my oldest who is in 9th grade and doing Algebra 1 2.0 version. It has been the only math program that she is actually excited about.



I guess what I am asking is am I getting riled up for no reason or is this CC stuff really going to affect what and how I need to teach my children for them to be able to get into college.



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I think the person meant that the public high school would not accept TT as transfer credit. Public schools don't have to accept anything from home school for transfer.

But that doesn't mean you can't use TT in homeschool high school. More than likely a college will look at math scores on ACT or SAT instead of worrying about what textbook you used.



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If the ACT and SAT are ever re-written to reflect the Common Core standards, then homeschoolers will have to be sure that they've all been covered. Other than that, I can't see where they'll be an issue for us.



The same man who established a group called Achieve the Core (to create materials supporting the Common Core) was made the head of the College Board this year (I will look up his name to post in a bit). ACT and the College Board were very active in the construction of the standards and early work on working to have the Common Core adopted. I am pretty sure we will see changes. I even recall that the only reason there have not been changes yet is that they want to see how in school/on site adoptions of the core work in practice. One on the ground issue has been professional development for teachers to understand how to implement it in classroom.


Let me see if I can find his name an maybe and article link....

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Thanks so much for your (pl) responses. I feel so much better. You are probably right, Crystal, that it was for a HS transfer. I felt like I was finally getting the hang of what all was needed for HS w/o wanting to wotty about this headache. :)


Many high schools won't accept homeschool in general, not because of the method or particular text used. IOW, when trying to enroll a student in high school, you'd present a transcript with the course title and the marks earned; there wouldn't be anything on it that said "Teaching Textbooks."

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His name is David Coleman

Here is a link to the press release by College Board




Interesting. Thanks for the link.


Personally, I'm okay with the idea of common core. I moved states in high school and it was a mess for me. I'd have really liked some national standards.


I still wish College Board would have standardized registrations for AP and PSAT. Fingers crossed that it may change by the time I need it.


The earlier post about TT was about transferring to a public high school if I'm remembering correctly.


I keep checking out a couple of different college requirements for admission and keep that in mind for where we're headed.

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