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What does everyone think about the new Self-Paced Veritas Press Omnibus I samples?

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Have I missed a thread about it? It looks SOOO good. Dd13 and I have been watching the sample each night and we LOVE it. She actually hurried with her chores so she could watch it as a "reward"!


For those who don't know, it is a Self-Paced online video course for Omnibus I.


We did think the multiple choice questions in the Exodus sample were too easy (only one obvious choice) but that was our only complaint.


What is everyone thinking about it?


My linky isn't working-just go to the Veritas home page and it links you to samples.

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I am newly considering this. The special price is through the end of June. Any other comments?


I am actually comparing this Omnibus Primary with MFW AHL. I really am torn. I was all set to buy AHL but now I see this and I wonder:


__Is Bruce Etter interesting - does he hold the student's attention?

__How often would the student watch the lecture?

__How much time would it take (Omnibus Primary) on a daily basis?

__How much discussion is there with student/parent? (same as without the videos?)

__How would it differ from MFW AHL?

__Anyone else want to tell me what they think?


Lisa J -

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bump. Anyone have some feedback? The lecture we watched, (one of the ones we watched?) Gilgamesh, I didn't find Etter to be as engaging as I hoped? I'm sure he's a fine teacher, I just wondered if my distractible children would stay focused?


Lisa J

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