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So, what is the hardest age to homeschool?

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Someone once told me that little boys are harder when they are little, but easier as teens. I pray she knew what she was talking about.



Just to encourage you: that it certainly turned out to be true here!


Both DSs were extremely difficult up until about age 4-5 (and each for extremely different reasons). After what we went through in those early years... Honestly, the teen years were a delight! Yes, of course there were the occasional moments -- but that's really all they were; a few isolated moments. Guess the Good Lord knew best, and let us get the hard part done early! ;)

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I'm a little freaked out by the 11/12 answers too. My boy just turned 10 couple of weeks ago...maybe the stars aligned off-kilter back in 2003? ;) My DS8 is exactly like your K. He's very laid back and just-go-with-the-flow kind of kid. My DD, who is a young adult, was so very different than my boys. She's a 'people pleaser'.


I was attributing DS10's behavior to birth order. He's technically a "middle child", but there are so many years between DD and DS10, that he's more like a 'first born'. He seems to have inherited all of the good AND bad traits that come with being a first AND middle child.



At least I know I will have someone to commiserate with me if it gets worse in another year or two! ;)

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The hardest age to homeschool? Whatever age they are right now ;)


Each age/stage/grade has their own challenges, and my ability to adapt to those challenges is better or worse at any given time. That said, the hardest for me will be when I feel a little out of my element and need to do more brush-up/studying in order to provide the best resources and direction.


For now, the kids are easily distracted, and I'm hoping they grow out of that soon.

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Okay, I am freaking out by all the 11/12 responses, as well! DS is extremely intelligent, but he is also extremely stubborn and strong-willed. This last year has been challenging. I was really hoping it would get easier as he got older. Now, dd, she is a breeze. I am fully expecting her to get tough in the teen years.

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My oldest is a 6th g, 12yo boy. The hardest age so far? GIRL! LOL--it's the tears. They stress me out! But 3rd & pre-reading were hard, too. Pre-reading, esp, because it's easy to forget that that will end & hard to imagine being able to say, "Go read this."


Now I've got 2 beginning readers, & although I still don't like to teach reading, I've seen past this point, so it's not as bad.

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I have a hardest child to homeschool. :blush: And it happens to be my oldest...everyone else seems to have an easy time with their oldest. My 2nd child is so easy to homeschool by comparison.


As far as age, my kids at age 4-6 tend to be very emotional...lots of tears and temper tantrums over the smallest things. By age 6 or 7, this stage has passed. My current 6yo has been no exception. I'm hoping she moves past this stage soon.




I think Rebecca has pretty much always been my more difficult child to teach. Sylvia is smart enough to sit down and get right to it, whereas Rebecca will do anything and everything to mess around and take all day. I'm not looking forward to 12-13.

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