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advice on SOTW

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I am still planning next year. I have SOTW 1 and 2. My older boy (will be in 3rd grade next year) went through SOTW 1 and read through some SOTW 2. He loves it and retained a lot. We haven't done any activities though. My younger boy (6year old) only knows Greek mythology. Next year we are homeschooling proper and I am wondering if I should start them in SOTW 1 with activity guide or move on and do SOTW 2. My older boy doesn't mind repeating the first volume since he liked it so much and for his brother it would be mostly new. On the other hand, I would love to officially leave Rome. What would you do?

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If you are sick of Rome, I suggest moving on. If you want your younger child to have the exposure, you could do SOTW audiobook over the summer, maybe in the car as you go places. Or ask his big brother to read it to him :) I think that is what I would do, and reward myself with a new school year of non-Romans.

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I would move on. First of all, your older son is at prime age to be really into the knights of the Middle Ages -- my son was 5-6 two years ago when we did MA, and he LOVED it! Capitalize on that! But also, with multiple children, unless they're all four years apart, and/or unless you do separate things for each child, someone isn't going to get the perfect four-year rotation. In fact, we've skipped around quite a bit (like, one year we did US history from the first discovery to the Revolution, then we did the Middle Ages, then we did more US history through the Civil War, and this year we're doing Ancients; some of that has been because of the children's interests, and next year, we'll be doing more modern history before DD hits seventh grade), and somehow, my kids still have learned a lot and have retained plenty.

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I agree. Move on. I have two 4th graders and a 2nd grader. When the younger one started with us, he jumped in at book 2. He'll cycle around again in an older grade and get that third cycle after the other two have left the nest. You may be surprised what he picked up just by being around while his older brother was learning book one.

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