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Gluten/Wheat Allergy?


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I'm wondering if a wheat allergy can cause general itchiness all over the body? In December I went on a yeast cleanse diet because of some health issues I have been dealing with. I was on this diet for about 5 weeks strictly and then added a few things back in i.e. potatoes, beans, some fruits, rice, etc. Those things don't seem to bother me and I continued like that for another month. Now I have been trying to eat a few things here and there and I seem to get itchy skin all over when I do. I'm guessing that the culprit is either dairy or wheat but am unsure how to tell. Prior to this diet I had been dealing with the itchy skin thing off and on. I also sometimes get random red patches that come and go. While I was on the strict diet I didn't have the itchy skin issues. Has anyone else dealt with this at all? :bigear:

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It could be either, but dairy allergies are more common and are often associated with eczema. You could eliminate both again for a few weeks, then reintroduce one at a time.

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My daughter will start itching within 3 hours of eating wheat. We didn't realize that was the cause until she was 10 and started breaking out in hives. Dairy can also cause it. Best thing to do is avoid both for a month and then add one back in. Dairy would be easiest since it is easy to do dairy without wheat (but not so much the other way around).

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gluten issues have their own skin problem, it has a fancy name but i forget what its called cuz i never had that problem. i guess you should spent another week off both and then add one and then the other at least a week apart, or two if it takes 2 for the itchiness to clera

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Might have to do that. Yesterday we ate at Carl's Jr. I haven't eaten out really at all in weeks. I had their chicken strips which have breading on them. I'm unsure if they have dairy in them or not but I felt pretty itchy after that. Also on Sunday I had a roll at a friends house and I got really itchy that evening too. It is confusing because all of those things may have both things in them. The first time I noticed the itchiness come back was on Christmas I had some coffee with real creamer in it and that says gluten free and I got itchy and red patches after that. I'm so confused now. ;) This is no fun at all. :p

One more odd thing is I eat plain yogurt every morning and have been this whole time. Can you be allergic to milk and not yogurt?

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One more odd thing is I eat plain yogurt every morning and have been this whole time. Can you be allergic to milk and not yogurt?


It is probably technically an intolerance, but either way yes you can. I cannot tolerate milk, at all, but I can have small amounts of yogurt. My daughter is intolerant to Milk, Yogurt, Whey to name some, but she can tolerate Cheddar & Mozzarella Cheese. It depends on what part of the dairy you are intolerant/allergic to (Casein, Whey, Lactose etc).

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It is probably technically an intolerance, but either way yes you can. I cannot tolerate milk, at all, but I can have small amounts of yogurt. My daughter is intolerant to Milk, Yogurt, Whey to name some, but she can tolerate Cheddar & Mozzarella Cheese. It depends on what part of the dairy you are intolerant/allergic to (Casein, Whey, Lactose etc).

That makes sense I guess. Just harder to pinpoint that way. I use allergy loosely here. I'm sure it is more of an intolerance than an allergy.

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One of our kids had a wheat allergy and had flaming red eczema from it. It went away when we eliminated wheat. The child did outgrow the allergy.


I get it from a bunch of foods -- oats, soy, and too many others to list. If I get overloaded with exposure to environmental allergens, that's a problem for my skin, too.


It's funny, because with such a long list, dairy (the one that is usually mentioned as a trigger) doesn't bother us at all but I'd certainly consider it as a possibility.

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I tell you, i miss the dairy a LOT more than i miss the wheat. Cheese was my favorite food my entire life, and there is not a single dairy-free cheese i'll eat. well, one of them is ok in tiny amounts, mixed with some local italian herb tofu, as a ricotta sub . . . but i just mourn cheese . . . often find myself craving it. honestly i dont think my cheese reaction is as bad as my gluten - probably stomach and headache, where gluten is stomach and yeast and anxiety . .. anxiety for a week . . .

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I tell you, i miss the dairy a LOT more than i miss the wheat. Cheese was my favorite food my entire life, and there is not a single dairy-free cheese i'll eat. well, one of them is ok in tiny amounts, mixed with some local italian herb tofu, as a ricotta sub . . . but i just mourn cheese . . . often find myself craving it. honestly i dont think my cheese reaction is as bad as my gluten - probably stomach and headache, where gluten is stomach and yeast and anxiety . .. anxiety for a week . . .

I agree with you. Life without dairy is just sad. I'm really hoping it isn't both but what you said makes me nervous. I have been battling with yeast big time for like a year. Can wheat intolerance trigger yeast/candida?

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I'm wondering if a wheat allergy can cause general itchiness all over the body? In December I went on a yeast cleanse diet because of some health issues I have been dealing with. I was on this diet for about 5 weeks strictly and then added a few things back in i.e. potatoes, beans, some fruits, rice, etc. Those things don't seem to bother me and I continued like that for another month. Now I have been trying to eat a few things here and there and I seem to get itchy skin all over when I do. I'm guessing that the culprit is either dairy or wheat but am unsure how to tell. Prior to this diet I had been dealing with the itchy skin thing off and on. I also sometimes get random red patches that come and go. While I was on the strict diet I didn't have the itchy skin issues. Has anyone else dealt with this at all? :bigear:


Haven't read the replies, but wanted to say that DS is allergic to wheat. It's a true allergy to wheat, as opposed to a gluten issue (he's not celiac, he just has lots of food allergies). We didn't even suspect wheat, but he was having so many issues (all over itchiness, asthma, eczema) that the doc did some extra testing. When he came up with IgE allergies to wheat, she had us stop the food for two weeks, then add it back in and watch for changes. DS clearly had more itching, eczema, red patches, and asthma flares within a week of adding wheat back in. We are now off wheat. :)


Maybe you could eliminate it for 2 weeks and see what happens when you add it back?

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i dont know how common it is, but for me, wheat seems to trigger yeast. Every time, the first 2 years at least, i'd accidentally ingest some - first my stomach would be a mess for a few days, then i'd get yeast, and the stomach stayed bad . . .an antifungal would clear up both the stomach and the 'yeast infection'.


i have both gluten sensitivity and wheat allergy. i went to the allergist and reacted to 90% of the foods he tested me for. he told me to keep eating the level 1s. i spent 3 years going through all the foods looking for reactions. but i feel like i've gotten a lot healthier.

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