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It's official - he's home!! :-)


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We filed the paperwork yesterday making our youngest a full time homeschool student. :hurray:


He's our guy with multiple, significant disabilities but LOTS of untapped potential. We've been talking about it for quite awhile and a less than favorable IEP before Christmas pretty much closed the door at ps. DOE rules here are doing a huge disservice to children with challenges. We've been researching private schools and other options the last month and home is by far the best place for him. Special Ed private schools are over $30,000 here :blink: . That's substancially more than my son's yearly cost for University.


We found an incredible evaluator (one of our choices for mandatory yearly report). She's a former homeschooler with a Master of Special Education who has worked with children much like my guy. We couldn't have asked for better. His private therapists are very encouraging as well. They want to coordinate what they're doing with what we'll be working on at home.


On top of that the principal was very excited for him! She was at his IEP and, without saying as much, I believe she agrees with us that he has more potential than the bounds of ps allow for.


Needless to say we are very encouraged and excited. Monday will be our first official day. It will be very, very different than homeschooling the olders but it will be fun.


Ever onwards and forwards...........

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Thanks ladies!! We're excited and as much as I can tell I think he is too :)



And $30000 for special ed private school?!?


Crazy isn't it! One actually goes as high as $36,000. Those schools are for children who require a great deal of support and accomodation.


Private schools that support children with LDs, speech impairment or who don't need a great deal of accomodation can be found for much more reasonable tuition.

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