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Tablet Math or Kinetic Books Algebra? Thoughts? Challenging? Not?

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I am vaguely considering a video/computer based Algebra class for my DS10 next year. Vaguely. As in "i have no idea what I am going to do so I am going to spend ages investigating every possible option and then probably end up using the Dolciani that is on my shelf" sort of vague. :driving:


Can anyone who has used KB ot Tablet Math talk to me about it, particularly how much does it break down the steps, is it good for a mathy kid who doesn't live and breathe math but "gets" concepts quickly? Is there too much review (meaning, is it spiral)? Is it challenging when compared to other Algebra programs?How does it compare to Dolciani/AoPS/Lials etc?




Eta added a question about tablet math in post 6. If you have used it i would love to hear experiences.


Signed, Ever on the Fence.

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My oldest used Kinetic Books only for Algebra II (she was a beta tester). My middle used KB for Algebra I and Algebra II. Both of them thought KB was the best math program they had ever used and would have loved to stick with it for all of their math from that point on, but that was all they had at the time.


It's definitely a solid program. I love that there is instant feedback and that most of the problems give stepped help. My 17yo is using Thinkwell for Calculus now and it really bugs her that she can't get stepped help and has to just look at the solution rather than have the program help her work towards the solution.


The instruction in the program is excellent. Both of my girls complained that the instruction in Larson's (my oldest) and Lial's (my middle) Precalculus wasn't nearly as well-done as in KB. I never had to give further instruction for KB. I did have to help a couple of times when a problem was misunderstood, but neither of my girls ever had any difficulty with the lesson presentation.


I would love to be using KB for my youngest, but she will not use a math program that has a computer component.

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We used it and dropped it. The explanations were not clear enough. The little cutesy games sometimes didn't work right, or we couldn't figure them out. No, NOT spiral, not a lot of review. We dropped back to pre algebra and switched to Teaching Textbooks. The difference is night and day. Explanations are totally clear. Easy interface. Love it.

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Thank you Jen. Yea, that would bug my guy (the getting it wrong because the computer reads it wrong thing). Is there an option to mark it correct in the program itself? Is there a free trial? How challenging would you say it is?


No, you can't change it in the program itself. It really bugged my Aspie son. In teaching textbooks we have NOT had that problem AT ALL, and if we did I can clear that problem and he can redo it or it will just take it out of the grading entirely. It's an easy fix for the parent.

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We used it and dropped it. The explanations were not clear enough. The little cutesy games sometimes didn't work right, or we couldn't figure them out. No, NOT spiral, not a lot of review. We dropped back to pre algebra and switched to Teaching Textbooks. The difference is night and day. Explanations are totally clear. Easy interface. Love it.


Which one are you referring to? Tablet class, kb or chalkdust?

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No, you can't change it in the program itself. It really bugged my Aspie son. In teaching textbooks we have NOT had that problem AT ALL, and if we did I can clear that problem and he can redo it or it will just take it out of the grading entirely. It's an easy fix for the parent.


That might be a deal breaker. My son gets upset when the computer shows a low grade, even when i tell him that it doesn't count or we will fix it.

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I can speak to both as we've tried both and ended up liking TabletClass much more.


After reading all the reviews of KB it sounded promising. So we signed up for the demo and it was during this phase we realized it wasn't for us. There was no solutions manual and only the answer to every other problem which we didn't like. Then in following up with customer service it turned out that while they had a solutions manual they do not make it available to homeschoolers. Rather it is reserved for public and private schools. I got the sense that homeschoolers are lower priority for them. Furthermore the customer support didn't seem that knowledgeable about their products when we had specific questions.


Tablet class offers more of a real 'class' experience vs. online math games, etc... Basically you listen to high quality, thorough lessons in 10-20 minute bite sized segments. Then you work problem sets increasing in difficulty writing them out on paper. In addition TabletClass by contrast offers full solutions to all questions with video instructions to solve them. The author, John Zimmerman, is *very* helpful in answering any and all questions I've asked him. He makes homeschoolers a priority and it shows. So while the class isn't live he is very good about responding to students. BTW, I found Derek Owens to have to same responsive, thoughtful approach. In terms of rigor I would say its pretty challenging. The problems in the more difficult sets have been on par with other programs such as AoPS which we used as supplimental. Though AoPS is still champ of the toughest problems. In comparing to the Dolciani Pre-A text I would say it goes a bit deeper offering more advanced concepts earlier on. Though I agree that the Dolciani book is good as well. It is not spiral though concepts build upon previous ones taught.


I would also recommend looking into Derek Owens which was our second choice.

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Thanks derek. Have you compared the S&S to Lials/Dolciani or any other trxt? I started comparing tablet class to dolciani tonight but if you've already done the work.........:)


Also, how is it graded? Is HW submitted? Or is the parent responsible for that? Are there quizzes? Do you know if he is planning to add Pre Calc and Calc? So many questions! Thanks for answering!

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Thanks derek. Have you compared the S&S to Lials/Dolciani or any other trxt? I started comparing tablet class to dolciani tonight but if you've already done the work......... :)


Also, how is it graded? Is HW submitted? Or is the parent responsible for that? Are there quizzes? Thanks for answering!


Well, I did for Pre-A which we are taking right now. The S&S was on par with the others and covered a bit more than most. For example the Linear Equations section went into slope intercept and point slope intercept. There is a chapter on Systems and the Quadradic Equation is also introduced. I haven't looked as much at Algebra 1 S&S yet, though I'm confident in the rigor based on our experience. The teacher is also big on developing curriculum which meets or exceeds the common core standards which I like very much.


Overall I'd say its a very well put together program which we'll probably continue with into Algebra 1. Though I also purchased AoPS, Dolciani and Foerster. :tongue_smilie: I plan to use a combination of these resources over an extended period for Algebra 1. I think its great to let TC do the heavy lifting presenting the difficult concepts in clear lessons. Then concepts can be further elaborated upon and explored with these great suppliments if/when desired.


Their math work is all handwritten just like in a regular math class. So you can grade it or have your child do that if you trust him. ds11 grades his own work. There are tests at the end of every chapter which covers all of the material in the chapter.


Here is an answer to your last Q which is similar to one I also asked John:

"Yes, I am planning a Pre-Calculus course but it would not be ready until next year. Our Algebra 2 program is pretty intense (I would consider it a more advance algebra or algebra 2 honors) so it’s perfect for college bound technical majors."

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Thank you Derek. So helpful. I too was thinking about this last night, and I like the idea of having Tablet Class do the "heavy lifting" while I use Dolciani and Lials Algebra to further explicate or "go deeper" if need be on certain topics. I am going to create a side by side comparison of Tablet Class' S&S versus Dolciani Structure and Methods Algebra 1 if anyone is interested is seeing it. I will post it on Google Docs and make it shareable.


Do you know how to get a trial? I want to check it out for a couple of days before I commit.

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You got me thinking about the S&S of Algebra 1 more. I was planning to take a look soon myself after picking up 3 other excellent Algbera 1 texts. So I put together a spreadsheet comparing them along with TabletClass. You can see it here: https://docs.google....cFE&usp=sharing


While it doesn't go into the details of each chapter it gives a pretty good overview of the material covered.



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You got me thinking about the S&S of Algebra 1 more. I was planning to take a look soon myself after picking up 3 other excellent Algbera 1 texts. So I put together a spreadsheet comparing them along with TabletClass. You can see it here: https://docs.google....cFE&usp=sharing


While it doesn't go into the details of each chapter it gives a pretty good overview of the material covered.




Thanks, Derek. I saw your post on the other thread that's going on right now LOL. Very nice--I posted some questions which perhaps you can answer, but I think I just need to dig into his syllabus a bit more. Not going to happen tonight, I don't think. But perhaps tomorrow. i appreciate your sharing of your work.

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