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Curriculum Addicts Meeting ????

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yes, My name is Kathy and I am a curriculumaholic... when is the meeting, and is there a used curriculum sale with it?

I have been hunting for a meeting for so very loooooooooooong. If anyone finds one let me know. :hurray: :lol: :party: And yes it must have a curriculum sale too, but please I prefer new. ( youngest son has asthma, and old books trigger him. )

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I was so happy with my curriculum and now I'm second guessing a bunch of it!

I have MM Blue from when I pulled GB out of ps. He had a lot of gaps in math. We spent the year filling those holes with MM and math facts. I've been printing out MM according to what she has in her table of contents for Light Blue for JJ and H. I'm starting to worry I'm missing something. Plus, I'd like to try Singapore before they get too far into math. I wonder if it would be a good fit for JJ. On the other hand, H is not mathy and needs a really gentle, workbook style approach. I think MM will work for her.


I'm also considering a second Pre-A year next year for GB to make sure he really has it down. There are parts where he's really struggling and parts where he's breezing through. For science next year, I was reading Lewelma's posts and I'm thinking that would be a good fit for GB. It's his last year before hs, so I want it to be fun, help him figure out his interests and maybe change things up.


After some threads lately about ETC and OPG, I feel like I'm doing it all wrong. :bored: They're moving along fine, but somewhere along the way I reversed OPG as review and ETC as the main phonics we've been using. I just want to get them reading. I don't need to actually buy anything for them, just use it differently.


Maybe I'm just tired, dd kept me up all night with bad dreams.



Every child is different, get a good night rest (hopefully) and face it tomorrow. Remember this is an individual marathon. It is ok to back up, leap forward, or even start all over again.


180 days in the average school year X 12 for 1st through 12th = 2160 / 365days in a year = 5.9 years to get it all done.


My older kids have taken days, weeks, months even a while year off with my before she passed. I attribute That year to of my children being in the medical field.



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I am totally a curriculum-aholic. It's hard to admit that I realized recently that I could teach all of pre-K -12 using only resources already in my house (except for high school Chemistry, so I immediately picked up a $6 good used high school textbook "for reference"). This includes two foreign languages, several AP courses, and electives.


On top of that, with my large collection of books I wouldn't even need to use the library throughout that time, with the exception that high school English selections would resultantly be slightly sparse and uninspired, perhaps supplemented by free classics on the Kindle (for the middle grades I have a lifetime of Newbury books, though). I have four elementary math curriculum, not including supplements. Three different elementary sciences & the entire Let's Read and Find Out series. Three different high school Latins. I really enjoy merging the strengths of various curricula, rather than just open-and-going with one.


This collecting of mine is just with books; I have just ten DVDs and no CDs. Much of my book/curriculum collection was inherited from my childhood, but the majority of it was my own doing. While it's probably an addiction, at least it's an addiction that doesn't cut down my life expectancy like alcohol, drugs, or food, it hasn't broken the bank, and it actually makes me smarter.

I can live with that. :-)


The good thing is that I am at a point where I now rarely see something else I "need", because when something catches my eye I realize that I already have something similar and better sitting on the shelf at home.

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Uh oh, I'm in trouble.

One place (it shall not be named to protect the other members) that I have trouble saying no to and rarely goes on sale has free shipping right now. I already had some things on my list to purchase for next year, which made me go to their site. Now, I'm sorting through the $200 worth of workbooks I put in my cart to see what I will actually need and will use and what is just for fun.


My justification is that at least I can pass these down and they hold their value when I want to sell.

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It feels good to be quoted, even on accident. :D


LOL! It wasn't on accident; I really did want to quote you! I was having a weird issue on here where I couldn't type anything in the text box. I couldn't respond in Safari or Firefox for some reason, and this site was the only one where I was having an issue. Somehow I managed to quote and then I couldn't add text. I'm not tech savvy and am not sure what happened. I think it is finally all better now.


In any case, since I haven't taken a vow of curriculum chastity, would you mind PMing me the site that is having a sale :) Just curious, as we need a few things to refresh and I am working on my list for next year. I don't want to tempt those who have sworn off purchases :)


edited to add: I just saw your thread on a different board and figured it out. Thanks!

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Have you ever started planning for a subject, get halfway through and discover you already have the stuff? :leaving:


I buy early and I'm discovering I'm really bad at keeping track of it all. :blushing:

I buy doubled of books all the time, I an getting used to it after all these years. I love my Kindle, I can see my history of online purchases at least.

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I know my son thinks I am weird when he brings his books home from school and I am like "can I look at your books... pretty please! Right now I am having a school book affair with Galore Park shhhh...



Oh my goodness I just found Galore Park this morning. I'm not even truly interested in that style! But I STILL want some to study/look at. What is with that! :)

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Oh my goodness I just found Galore Park this morning. I'm not even truly interested in that style! But I STILL want some to study/look at. What is with that! :)


Yes, I know. I purchased some of their books for my girls to use this spring. I am not normally interested in that style either, but I have been hs'ing for over 10 years now and I am kind of an Anglophile anyway. It was like the perfect curriculum storm: Willingness to try new stuff + anglophile = 10yo doing "Maths" this spring and calculating using pounds instead of dollars. Hilarious! It has definitely staved off some boredom from all of us and everyone is still learning so I see it as a win/win.

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Do we have to promise to stop? I feel like I just showed up to an AA meeting with a bottle of wine.


No worries, this isn't the same thing. More like a vehicle for enabling one another.... ;)


I'm with you, girls. Although, I only have one child, so I don't even have the excuse, er, brilliant reasoning, that it may work for the next child. I keep finding new things to buy for next year.

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Even as a student, I always liked my schoolbooks. We lived 3 miles away from a major university. I was a latchkey kid and during the summer I would frequently walk to the University bookstore and look at the books. (This is so geeky I normally wouldn't tell this to my Mensa friends.) As a kid, I was going to have a roller skating birthday party. For some good reason, my parents had to cancel it. They asked if there was something they could get me to make it up to me. I requested the freshman Physics book. It was meant for 3 consecutive classes and was lots more expensive than the party would have been. I still love that book.

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