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MOH/Apologia or MFW for a large family


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Well, the nice thing about MOH/Apologia is the flexibility, imho. You can assign sketches or copywork or narrations or reports or activities or none of them! You can incorporate skill subjects into your history and science, or not depending on what other curriculum you like. You can even change how you're using them ("all out" or "get 'er done") and not feel like you've ditched an expensive package. I've never used MFW, but I guess a bit of "February burn-out fever" has me feeling anti-"package" right now, kwim?

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Agreeing with PP.


I just feel that using individual sources gives me more freedom. One particular aspect that I enjoy is that we do Science Days. We often finish a half of a chapter of Apologia in one sitting. Lets say the kids are sick and not up to regular school, or my husband is home. We can work on Apologia or history.


I would not be able to do that if it was all tied together.



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Another voice here in agreement with PP! We did MFW last year and as much as I loved the idea of having the kids together in a cycle it is just too hard to tie all of the elements together and make it age/ level appropriate. Books like Properties of Ecosystems were way over their heads. This year we started MOH and are really enjoying it! It is great that we can do our history and science and their own paces since they are not scheduled together. MOH does a great job of giving optional activities for all ages (separated into younger, middle, and older categories) and I never feel like I have to do them. The book itself is a tremendous resource between the activities, book suggestions, quizzes, and maps. The MOH yahoo group has a lot of great information in their files too. I would highly recommend the MOH/ Apologia option:)

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I like the flexibility of scheduling my own resources, if you aren't bereft without a TM doing it all for you. :) But I also like that MFW includes Bible, art, music, and other science and history resources. I guess it depends if you'd want any of that? Also, I thought MOH was more for the middle-grade levels, and a bit too hard for the younger kids, so I liked MFW's SOTW option.

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