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Our winter trail ride for horse people


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Last Saturday we had NO snow. This Saturday we are in a winter wonderland. We have had temps below zero this past week and the lake effect snow machine has dumped almost 2 feet of snow on us in 5 days.


Today the SUN was out and it was about 20 degrees so 16dd and I went out trail riding. The pictures is not the best (and certainly not flattering) but this is me on my old paint---a 22 year old gelding. The trees were heavy with snow so that we had to duck under and push through many just to get through our normal trails. The snow was up to the horses knees.


The ears you see are from my daughter's 21 year old bay arab gelding.

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When it is hunting season we have hunter orange shirts, sweatshirts, vests and even hunter orange saddle blankets.


It was a lot of fun. The weather is changing tomorrow with freezing rain then temps in the low 50s by Tuesday and then down to a high of 15 by Friday. We wanted to ride before we ended up with a lot of ice and mess.

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I start to wilt when it gets close to 80 so in the summer we tend to ride early mornings here. The 20 degrees felt like a heat wave honestly as it was 3 below zero yesterday morning.


There are some other really great trails I wish we could have ridden but I don't trailer on slippery roads. We just rode the trails behind our house.

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