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So. . . what do I do about this? (Blood sugar related)

Jean in Newcastle

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I'm trying hard to keep my blood sugar under control. I'm taking regular readings and am trying to eat accordingly. (I'm diagnosed with pre-diabetes and the doctor wants me to try and control it with diet and exercise).


Breakfast - had normal breakfast. Took cinnamon capsules to keep blood sugar down.

2 hour post prandial reading - great.


Lunch - salad with protein (mixed greens, summer sausage, a bit of avocado and carrots). Had 4 squares of dark chocolate. (Usually have two squares but had two extra). Took cinnamon capsules to keep blood sugar down.

2 hour post prandial - 139. (should be 120 or less) Really tired. Took a nap.


Snack time - that's when I tested and got the 139 reading so I didn't have my snack. I had a cup of tea that is supposed to help bring down your blood sugar.

Now my blood sugar has gone down to 133.


I am supposed to eat dinner in 15 minutes so that I can take dd to her evening activities. I don't want to eat if my sugar is high but I won't be able to later. I suppose I'll have to limit myself to salad - again. . .


Wait. . . it's 15 min. later and my blood sugar has suddenly dropped to 108. I guess I can eat. I don't get all of this.

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Jean, this is what I see.... Switch the summer sausage (low protein) for chicken (much higher protein). Also, carrots are starch, maybe skip those. Also, try to raise fats. More avacado, maybe cheese, and use chicken thighs.


adding: the bread..... go to half a slice and add another egg and what's in the smoothie?



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The bread will up your blood sugar too... but your numbers were fine after breakfast. It seems to me like those two extra pieces of chocolate may have done you in. I'd definitely up your proteins and fats a little bit, though, it may help stabilize.


How processed is the sausage? Some brands have added sugar as well, which may have had an effect.

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Some of it is "time of day" related. I've been testing off and on for the past year and I can eat carbs at breakfast (in moderation) and do just fine. My lunch and dinner are tricky and are really easy to mess up blood sugar wise.


I didn't think about the summer sausage being processed or low protein (really?!) And yeah, I should have stayed away from medicating with chocolate.


I just had some beef stir fry and 1/3 a cup of rice. I have a feeling that might do me in. I am going to exercise for 1 hour though in the next hour. But yesterday the hard exercise increased my blood sugar because it was too strenuous . . . Auuuugh!

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I could eat all the stir fry I want and be fine, but 1/3 cup of rice would send my blood sugar soaring. Rice - any kind- and I don't get along. I am a type two on insulin at night so I am farther down the road that you don't want to go.....


Regarding the lunch numbers... You know that cinnamon slows the emptying of your stomach, right? Taking it regularly with lunch means you might avoid the spike right after eating, but those carbs get absorbed eventually. Just a slower rise. My thought is that you are seeing it top out around the two hour instead of the peak coming around an hour and then sliding back down in time for the two hour check. You can verify by checking at one and three hours post meal.


What I do when I start having "bad" days on the readings is to go zero-carb for a couple of days (or at least as close as I can get it). Just eat protein, green veggies, and nuts for a few meals to sort of reset everything. It means I have to check more frequently to make sure I don't drop too low (can't afford a rebound spike).


Btw have you tried drinking more water before working out? That helps with my post exercise highs.

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I know that you've gotten a lot of help, but I just wanted to mention that I have to be careful about vegetables, even salad veggies. And, no way can I eat carrots. Bread and rice are out of the question for me, too. What % is your dark chocolate? Protein and fat are my friends.

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I know that you've gotten a lot of help, but I just wanted to mention that I have to be careful about vegetables, even salad veggies. And, no way can I eat carrots. Bread and rice are out of the question for me, too. What % is your dark chocolate? Protein and fat are my friends.


85% dark chocolate. with roasted almonds.

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