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No/Low Spend January Week 3 (1/14-1/20)


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1 Jan---$0

2 Jan---$0

3 Jan---$6 (2 x 2 litres milk)

4 Jan---$0

5 Jan---$2 sausage at sausage sizzle for DH+ $28 lotto tickets for us & mil+ $8.90 fish bait for ds#2

6 Jan---$0

***Week 1 subtotal =$44.90


7 Jan---$11 seed raising mix +$6 (2 x 2 litres milk)

8 Jan---$24 for two books dh bought on TradeMe (but he sold some scrap metal for $35)

9 Jan---$16.50 for two more books dh bought on TradeMe (but mil gave him $10 from the winning ticket we gave her last weekend)

10 Jan---$6 (2 x 2 litres milk) + $8 fish bait + $18 med (to replace some that expired in '95 :ohmy: )

11 Jan---$80 four stationary motors from TradeMe for ds#2 to rebuild to help finish the quadbike he's rebuilding+ $8 fishbait + $22 beer for dh + $30.50 shorts & sunscreen for dd

12 Jan---$37 for two books dh bought on TradeMe + $18.70 for coffees for dh, me, dd, & ds#1 (dd shipped out today & the captain told us to take her for a coffee when we dropped her off, so that $$ was on Captain's orders :001_cool: )+ $14 Lotto

13 Jan---$18 dive tank rental (for dh to do a job for dd's ship as they lost something overboard & his tanks are old & empty)

***Week 2 subtotal =$317.70


14 Jan---$90.51 fuel for my car + 56.13 Fruit/Veg + $6 (2 x 2 litres milk) + $12.65 fence screws + $17.10 piece to fix dingy

15 Jan---$3.50 parking + $14 postage stamps + $25.50 ds#2's b-day gift + $20 fuel for dh's car + $17.64 misc. tool part

16 Jan---$1.70 parking (I had jury duty in town)

17 Jan---$0

18 Jan---$6 (2 x 2 litres milk)

19 Jan---$9 for one book dh bought on TradeMe + $12 lotto + $24.97 pizza

20 Jan---$0

***week 3 subtotal = $316.70


January total = $679.29

Food/Grocery = $86.13

Beer / Eat Out = $67.67

Unexpected income = $45

No Spend Days = 6


My goals for January:

#1---Spend as little as possible as estimated monthly income is $0.

#2---Eat mainly from our pantry/freezer/garden.

#3---Learn to make do or do without whenever possible.

#4---Use our month of summer holidays to help instill healthy habits.

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Grocery shopping today. :coolgleamA: I went to Walmart and Martins - Wally's first. Spent $46.66 on Food Groceries and $5.97 on batteries. Then to Martins: $39.26 on Food groceries and $2.29 on cupcake liners. So, now my total month's Food Groceries is $420.69 and total Non-Food Groceries is $43.29.


Decided to reinstate my Price Book. I haven't updated that in several years, but I could see how many things were less at Walmart than Martins. I really need to be able to do that again.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.




1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)


1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)


1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)


1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17


1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)


1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.


1/8 -- $0


1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas


1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner


1/11 -- $20 parking at museum


1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest


1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)




1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)


1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)


1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!


1/17 -- $80 science museum membership (planned), $20 art classes for middle dd, $35 gas, $17 pizza


1/18 -- $0


1/19 -- $55 groceries


1/20 -- $13 curriculum (I had a gift card to Amazon that was like a sirensong to me, so I now own WWS and a google earth book)




Groceries: $353/$600


Eating Out: $69/$125


No Spend Days: 6/10



Next week is shaping up pretty well. We really don't have many outside activities, and it's supposed to be super cold, so I think we'll tuck in and not spend $$.
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Ugh. I really need a new pair of running shoes. I love Asics but their Nimbus shoes are 140 dollars! Wow. I am going to wait until the next pay period and decide what to do then.


I hear you. I need new Nike shox. I've been searching for a sale, and have yet to come up with anything. My birthday is next month, so I think I'll buy them then.

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I hear you. I need new Nike shox. I've been searching for a sale, and have yet to come up with anything. My birthday is next month, so I think I'll buy them then.


Sports authority is having a sale on random running shoes. Maybe i'll stop by there today and see if i can find a pair on sale.

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Well, while we are spending less than we could be, we still haven't done well. We were out of town for 4 days and ate out during that time. We also did a caverns tour that I guess wasn't necessary, but very educational. I bought my DH a surprise that he will LOVE for Valentine's day. It was in the budget, but still very unneeded (driving a race car). I bought toys at the Target clearance and also two birthday gifts. And some groceries and gas. So it could have been worse but it hasn't been great. I think I did much better than I would have without this challenge, but I've still spend more than I had to.

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**I am just noting expenditures that fall outside of my normal/budgeted expenses like gas, food and household items....

1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $10 lunch out, $10 face cream

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0

1/8 $0

1/9 $1 coffee

1/10 $5 consignment shop, dd's room re-do

1/11 $8 lunch out with ds (rainy day envelope)

1/12 $30 undies for potty-trainer, birthday present for Grandma

1/13 $10 over budget on groceries

1/14 $15 out to lunch with all 3 dc

1/15 $0

1/16 $5 another room re-do item for dd, lunch out (again!) but this time I paid for it with cash from the sale of some old cookbooks!

1/17 $45 Target trip (arrgghhh Target!)....2 birthday gifts and some household odds and ends that we needed (usually the household stuff comes from my "household supplies" envelope which is currently empty)

1/18 $3 fast food, $15 medicine and a few grocery items...over budget

1/19 $0

1/20 $0

1/21 $15 out to eat with kids (it seems like this has become a habit on Mondays, after co-op)

1/22 $5 curtain for dd's room re-do

1/23 $0

1/24 $10 out to lunch, $6 Gingerbread house kits (huh???) on clearance...as if I need one more thing to store for months on end :glare:

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