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Pinterest and computer viruses


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I have realized that ever since becoming more active on pinterest I've had an extraordinary amount of activity with my antivirus software. Not a day goes by that is isn't quarantining , blocking or removing something. Has anyone else experienced this?


I can't tell if it is from repinning or from web surfing looking for stuff to pin.

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I haven't had that much, but I have found more viruses are detected when going through Pinterest than regular surfing. Perhaps it's because I'm going to more sites, or perhaps they're more virus-prone on popular sites. Either way, I'm glad I have good, up-to-date virus protection software.

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Pinterest is still fairly new, and quite a few adware scammers have targeted it. I've noticed Pinterest has gotten better with catching them, so I'll get a warning when I click on the pin. One trick, look at the URL above the pin before clicking it to go through to the site. You can usually tell if it's a scam url -- it will have a bunch of nonsense numbers and letters instead of a proper name (example: gh67dhjsw. net instead of happyscrapping. com), or the URL will be completely at odds with the pin (freeipadnow .com when the pin is showing a cookie recipe).


Don't click the links in my examples, I just made them up :)

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