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Feeling unusually discouraged (Dr. Hive?)


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This is a total vent and I will delete it later but for now here goes...


I don't have anything serious going on but a bunch of little things are getting me down.


First of all, dd's bloodwork came back and everything is basically normal, but her ferritin is rather low but the pediatrician doesn't think we need to treat it because her hemoglobin is okay. Why is she so tired? She had to go back to bed this afternoon. She never did this type of thing until recently.


The other very strange finding is that her cholesterol is extremely low, total under 100. The doctor didn't give me the exact numbers, but I'll get a report soon. The doctor has never seen a number this low. We have a family history of high so it's not that. I'm puzzled but the doctor isn't worried. I'd be less likely to worry if she weren't so tired.


My other dd's cyst is resolving, so I should be happy but I'm worried about the above.


A relative called the financial aid office of the college dd most wants to go to and has been accepted to. This person has not supported dd, and I don't know why he is getting involved now. I'm taking it personally, as though this person is judging my ability to do things right (FWIW, I've already filed the FASFA!) but the situation makes me worry that he may try to get involved in our financial affairs or access our private financial information.


I can only keep a house clean or homeschool. I can't do both.


I guess that's it for now. :(

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Guest inoubliable

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Bunches of little things can certainly add up. Hoping the little things get resolved quickly and you can find some peace.

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:grouphug: for the medical.


:diabla: for the relative. I would call the school and make sure they know not to speak to this person about your financial matters. I would think the school would be up for a huge lawsuit if they gave out any of your information. There are most certainly rules in place about such things!

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:grouphug: Lots of little things ARE very wearing! Especially when we are worried about our children. :grouphug:

FWIW- I often feel I can either be a great housekeeper or a really good homeschool mom- I've yet to have a day

where I felt I accomplished both well. Maybe for a couple of hours, but never for a whole day.

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Has your daughter ever taken vitamin D? One of my kids in particular feels that adding a vitamin D supplement to her diet daily boosts her energy level, especially during the winter when we don't get the sunlight from being outdoors.


About the relative and financial aid... I'm almost positive he would never be able to access any personal information; everyone is so cautious about that nowadays. I can't even get personal information -- and my husband and I are paying for tuition -- unless my daughter signs a release form! (Which she has. :) )

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I think that's right about how careful colleges are regarding personal information. I've known of cases where parents need information to help their own kids and can't get it because of privacy laws. It couldn't hurt to verify this with the office.


I did send an email to the relative assuring them I am on top of things and received a courteous reply. I'm still not thrilled with the interference but I'm trying to look at it in the light of them thinking dd is doing all of this on her own....in which case we would really be in a lot of trouble. ;)


I did have dd take 4,000 IU of D3 today. Her levels are at 27, which isn't the worst but not great either. With how she seems to be hit hard by every bug lately, I'm concerned about what would happen if she were exposed to the flu.


I managed to do a little tidying today so things at least *look* less chaotic.

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