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Do you have one person in your life you know is a "true" friend?

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Yes. We met when I had two Spanish speaking boys in my home and I needed to learn enough to communicate with them. A friend from church introduced us because she speaks fluent Spanish. I don't know if we would have met any other way. We are both single, but I have kids and stay home. She has no children and works a "real" job. Our social circles really don't cross.


But she is the friend I know will be there for me. When I went through a time of depression recently she called every day at least once to see how I was. She has been there at the hospital with me for my ds' last 3 blood transfusions. She understands me in a way that a lot of people don't. This Sunday when my dd gets baptized very early in the morning, Megan is helping by picking up my foster baby at 6AM and bringing her to the baptism and then to church so I won't have all 4 children on my own.


I hope that I am a friend like that in return for her. I have been so blessed to have a friend like this.

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There is no-one who is there reliably all the time for all topics, but I don't suppose we need that. My brother is quite valuable to me. He is very chilled, as opposed to my tetchy nature, can listen to me vent about my dh until I feel better, but lets it all roll off like water off a duck's back and gets along really well with dh anyway. He's happy to listen to me waffle on about whatever topic is currently tickling my fancy and is usually even interested! We share a very similar communication style, so don't offend each other, and can happily argue about politics or whatever, even though we are usually agreeing. Most of all, he came up every week for the first half of my first pregnancy, and has been coming up each fortnight for this one. That's two hours of travel and he will even cook for me sometimes!

Dh is obviously a true friend, though he's not the most reliable chap in many ways. He is the most supportive person I could ever wish for.

I've only known Frida for about 2 years, but knew the first time we met that we would become good friends. She even made the big 2 hour trip up to visit me the other week. Anyone who bothers to travel that far to cheer up a miserable pregnant whinger is a friend indeed! She's so weird. I'm almost convinced that she knows everything, but she's convinced she's boring. It's definately a problem with everyone else, not her.

Stacey and I don't seem to have a great deal in common. A few common interests, but not really core values. Somehow we get along anyway and it's as though we would be friends even if we tried not to be. Except we like each other so we wouldn't try not to be. Dunno. It's weird but it works. She doesn't mind listening to me talk a lot; and she's such a capricorn and I'm one of the few people around who managed to dig through the capricornishness to find the Stacey underneath. I guess that's why it works.

I consider dd's godfather to be a true friend, even though we don't see much of him (he's studying two masters degrees and working) and he can squash my self esteem faster than anyone else in the world. Not that he does it on purpose, but he's so smart that I feel like an idiot who couldn't possibly be right if I disagree with him. All of this is from my side, he definately isn't out to squash me! Somehow, despite all of this, we care about each other hugely, so it works.

I just wish these people (with the exception of dh!) didn't live 2 hours away.


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