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Read Aloud suggestions for a wide range of boys!


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I have 7th, 4th and 1st grade sons. I have let read alouds rest for the last few months (other than our Advent read aloud) bc I couldn't find something that everyone was enjoying. It's mainly the youngest who doesn't like some of the "harder" books we've read.


Can anyone suggest any that their sons along these ages have all enjoyed? or should I just give up and do somethign separately with the youngest? He still enjoys Boxcar Children, Magic Treehouse, etc!

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Well, my boys have a wide range of ages: 10th, 4th, and K, and I've got 2 girls, 9th and 7th thrown in there for good measure. Our read aloud time is fixed and everyone participates. What I do is read a wide variety of books/stories. I find that if I keep it varied in the areas of length and difficulty, everyone stays happier. My youngers are stretched and my olders enjoy the nostalgia of re-reading old favorites. So far this school year we have gone through many of the Collier Junior Classics and Grimm's Fairy Tales. We have also completed Anne of Green Gables (which was a huge hit with everyone, regardless of gender), Watership Down, Winnie-the-Pooh, White Company, the complete Perrault's Fairy Tales, and A Christmas Carol. No one is allowed to complain about book choice, and the youngers really do gain from the exemplary language and plot lines of the tougher books. I would definitely encourage you to keep them all together...it is such a precious time in our home!

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Last year everyone loved The Secret Garden (yes, ALL of us!), Bruce Coville's retellings of Shakespeare, and this version of Beowulf (my oldest boy would sneak off into the corner with this version of Beowulf); right now we are all enjoying Caddie Woodlawn.


ETA: Just remembered another one we all liked--From the Mixed-up File of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler--my oldest boy was old enough to get the emotional thrust of the book, not just enjoy the humor and the mystery of the statue.

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